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how to meet more people


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My husband and I recently moved to a new area and would like to make more friends, especially couple/married friends. It's been hard for me especially since I am the only "employee" in my office other than my two bosses. We're working on volunteering and I'd like to get involved in political causes. Anyone have suggestions? I was also wondering if there are any websites that cater to platonic relationships and just meeting up with people who share similar interests.

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My husband and I recently moved to a new area and would like to make more friends, especially couple/married friends. It's been hard for me especially since I am the only "employee" in my office other than my two bosses. We're working on volunteering and I'd like to get involved in political causes. Anyone have suggestions? I was also wondering if there are any websites that cater to platonic relationships and just meeting up with people who share similar interests.


Try Meetup.com for meetups in your area. Meetup is a great way to meet new people who could become friends with you and your husband. Meetup also gives you the option to create your own group for other people to join.

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Try Meetup.com for meetups in your area. Meetup is a great way to meet new people who could become friends with you and your husband. Meetup also gives you the option to create your own group for other people to join.


It actually so happens that I'm in a model meetup group on that site! I haven't checked out the other groups there, but I definitely will now. Thanks!

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Hey that's great! When I moved back to Minnesota, I joined Meetup and met most of my friends that I have now that way. It's just an easy way to meet people you know you have something in common with already. Takes the pressure off. Good luck!! :)

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Join service groups like the Elks, the Moose, the Lions, the Kiwanis etc. They are no longer only old men's drinking clubs.



Working on a campaign is a good idea.



Do you neighborhood association do anything? Can you organize a backyard BBQ & invite the neighbors?

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