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am I reading to much into this? Week-end vacation with 'just friends' girl

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I've known this girl for over 10 years and we have a very close relationship. For the past 6 months we've been each other's shoulder to lean on and constant friendship. We were always close, but lately things are different. She's inviting me out to dinner friday nights, or suggesting we go for a walk, or that I get a bike so we can bike together. I've told her I'd love to go to the gym with her and she says ok. We've been trying to plan a weekend away, just the two of us all summer and it looks like it'll be within the month. Either camping, or to the beach or a bed and breakfast..whatever...She keeps saying she really wants to go with me somewhere, but time is tough to find with both our schedules.


Lately, almost all of our conversations center around relationships, sex, nudity or future plans. Now, I really like this girl and I've told her before I have feelings for her. She isn't looking to date right now, as she's had horrible luck with guys and she can't trust. I get that, as I'm the same way with most people. She says she trusts me, and I trust her.


Now, going away.....first off, I'm not planning on anything or looking for anything..Yeah, I'd like nothing more then to go passed, 'just friends', but not at the expense of our relationship as it is. Its more of an emotional relationship..Nothing physical...She won't shy away from my touch, but isnt touchy feely.


My question is, going away just the two of us as 'just friends' when one or both people have feelings for each other.....Is this really the case? or is to segway into something else? All our friends say we are dating already, just not doing the deed..


Basically, I'm asking..do I bring protection or not? And I don't want to hear the, better to be prepared..excuse..Just a simple yes or no and your thoughts.

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If you've known her for 10 years, friends is all your going to be.

You are her buddy, pal, good friend.

If she liked you like that she would let you know years ago.

Sorry. The answer is no.

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years ago she was in a relationship and until last november I was married..We've been seeing alot more of each other since then.

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I wouldn't, until I tested her interest a little bit more. Rachet up your physical touch.

if she wants sex, ain't nothing gonna stop her (condoms are avail anywhere, foreplay can be done without it and the waiting/anticipation only adds to things).



but if she didn't want sex, and found out you brought condoms, well that's just sad.

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