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Did she want to be a single-mother?

Eddy Street

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Eddy Street

I know I should stay out of my cousin's business, but it's just fascinating to me what's going on with her love life. She had a good dude for a boyfriend (a boy she new from high-school) who took really good care of her and had lots of potential (engineering major, smart, form rich family) and she dumped him.


Then she met a man (5 or 6 years her senior) from the ghetto (who, if not a drug-dealer was certainly a habitual drug-user) that showed up at Christmas high, called everyone, including her mother, "Joe" or "Dawg" and picked a fight with (or, rather, attacked) another young man who was there, a relative of ours. It was pretty messed up, thankfully nobody got hurt. She was head over heals for this dude, who seemed to be at least 30 IQ points below her on her worst day, still she loved him all the same.


Then this ghetto dude gets my cousin pregnant and disappears like smoke as soon as he hears the news. So my cousin gives birth to twins and is now a single mother and then starts talking about how her "heart is broken", how she "never saw that coming", blah blah blah. Really? I'm sorry but that's just weird, I saw it coming the first time I saw his pic on facebook. What's with some of these girls in their late teens? If you want to be a single-mother, why not adopt? Why do it at the expense of society by perpetuating the genes of some low-life like that?

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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People can make really bad choices and be blinded to what they would like to believe in someone that's all there really is too it.

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Those same women ask where the good guys are.

hahaha We live and we learn, some people just have to learn the hard way, cant live their lives for them

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Eddy Street
Those same women ask where the good guys are.

hahaha We live and we learn, some people just have to learn the hard way, cant live their lives for them


Yes, they are the same women. Crazy world, isn't it.


Bad thing is, her little sister is now following in her footsteps.. :(

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Update: she's got another boyfriend now, this one is just as bad if not worse because he's her age. He's an aspiring car mechanic with facebook pictures consisting of dingy, ghetto mirror selfies, posing with "homies" with alcohol and what looks like gang-signs. Crazy...


Little sister is now pregnant too, she totally followed in her big sister's footsteps. Her boyfriend is still around but I found out from his facebook profile that he might be involved with the Latin Kings... I don't get it, their brother is doing just fine, he got a Masters in Computer Science last year and is dating an educated woman.

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People's brains aren't fully mature until mid-twenties. People in their teens are incompetent to make any big life decisions because the part of their brain that can fully understand long-term consequences just isn't developed yet. I have always said the evidence that a teen is not ready to become a parent yet is the fact that they want to. If they weren't firing on all cylinders, they'd know enough not to want to and know what a bad idea it is and how incomplete and unprepared they are. I am not one of those "moral majority" people who don't want teens to have kids because they don't want them to have sex. I don't much care if they have sex as long as they use birth control -- but they sad fact is many of them are not organized well enough to be depended on to do that correctly either, so that needs to be supervised by parents.


Your cousin has been somehow allowed to make decisions that will affect her and her children forever. Whoever allowed her to do that is who to point the finger at because your cousin's brain is still not mature enough to be held accountable in that way.

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Do they have a father? What is he like? Just ask her why she chose this guy, instead of the good ex from high school.

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Many young women ( and that includes those up to 30 years old) tend to think that getting knocked up will make the guy stay....seriously, that is their thought. Its like they forgot everything they have ever learned that sex does not = love and baby does not = happy little family.


She probably stood by him cause everyone else saw right through him and felt you all were 'ganging up' on her and so she was going to show you all that the dude is worthy of being in her life...and unfortunately, that blew up in her face.

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