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oh well, no word from my ex, she probably off just getting it on with her b/f, you don't see me contacting her though since I was the dumpee. :confused:

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well, in my case i was the dumper but we kind of maintained a relationship. We are not friends but not dating either.


Nick, did you love your girlfriend? Why did you guys break-up?

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Originally posted by sad123

well, in my case i was the dumper but we kind of maintained a relationship. We are not friends but not dating either.


Nick, did you love your girlfriend? Why did you guys break-up?


Ya, Sad, I loved her deeply and the love was like a soul mate type of feeling. She felt the same, then she changed out of nowhere and she said she felt dead and that she didn't feel anything for anything at all. She said I never paid attention to her, never wanted to hang out with her. I'll admit, I made some minor mistakes while with her and I admitted them, but I was dumb and immature at the time. She wanted to take a break in July, I said I didn't. I told her, I am sick of me being like this and its time for me to change to who I was the first year and a half. I am still me, but just adding some things to spice things up. I guess thats the one thing I regret by actually changing to keep things going, guess thats how much I really love her. Things were great in August, we were always together. She would ask me if I am coming over for dinner and staying the night and I said yes I'll be there after work. I mean she was happy, no signs of breakdown. I can tell the sex wasn't there anymore but she blamed it on the birth control(which to this day, I dunno what to think of that excuse). Then she drops a bomb on me last week of August and says she is falling out of love and can't do it anymore. She claims that hope it would come back the first 2 weeks. I told her it takes more then that and it takes work and I am willing to stick around and work this like a couple. Obviously she was immature and it was her first relationship and well whatever. I also suspect outside influences helped her with her deceision, where things are suppose to be private. Anyway, I made another mistake and bugged her for about 4 weeks every 2 days or so, where I should of just said what I said and walked away. Since October she has ignored me and just basically saying "leave me alone". Pretty bad when you were with someone in a great relationship for 2.5 years and now your treated like a stranger and I feel like the bad guy when I know I am not. Oh well, I am sure she is happy with this new guy, but either way, no guy is going to make her feel loved like I did, not for a second.

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Dunno, probably met in November or January, ehh whatever. Its over and I know it and people go there seperate ways, too bad we can't be friends or at least she doesn't just by ignoring me. 80% shows that when someone ignores you there usually with someone.

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Originally posted by Nick14 80% shows that when someone ignores you there usually with someone.


This can be really hard to accept and believe when it is happening to you, but I agree. I have seen this be true too many times

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Originally posted by sad123

what do you mean by ignore? did she ever come straight out and tell you that she is with someone? did you ever ask her?


Nope never asked her, just read her xanga blogs from time to time. She starts talking about this guy in January but I am assuming its been longer then that. Rule #1 Never ever ask your ex is she is seeing someone, thats a rule by default and I seriously don't want to hear it from her either. Sad, I try to contact her via email from time to time since october, no reply whatsoever. Its funny, we both go to the same gym and I see her but she never goes up too me to say hi, pretty sad in a way since I am the mature one and I am pretty civil. I try initiating things via email and past December I ask hey maybe we should try being friends. Funny each time I send something nice, I don't get no reply or a "hey **** off or whatever". I know she uses that email address cause I sent her a holiday e-card just saying happy holidays and I get a "user has read" notification, so I know she reads it. I gave up and its been a month and 2 weeks of NC so ehh whatever, I am moving on. She needs to grow up and be civil with things and be mature, she lacks that at the moment. Its too bad, cause I am a really great nice person and never once cheated on her. Btw..the last week of December she has the nerve to say I am a stalker via AIM Away message and I didn't find out till a buddy let me know of it of her new screen name. Ok, so tell me this, how can I be a stalker if I have not called her cell since october? I don't follow her around or threaten her? All I do is, send a nice happy grad e-card in beg of december and a happy holiday e-card on xmas? I can go to the gym, its public and I can only go at 8pm due to my membership, just cause I go I am not a stalker. Whoopie, so i texted her that same night she called me a stalker a few hours before saying, wish you would of said hi, would of been nice to talk again. So, tell me guys, does that seem like stalking to me, yeesh. Explains why I am on NC and she deserve all the nice stuff I do and not being a evil ex-b/f, whatever guess its my fault for doing all those caring things. :confused:

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Well, Nick I think that the problem with relationships today is that people don't just say what's on their mind. It's best to be upfront and honest. If you want to ask her if she is seeing someone then just ask it. It's no big deal. My ex asked me the same question but he cut corners to try and figure out if I was dating someone. I told my ex that if he ever did to just tell me because I didn't want to make the other girl feel uncomfortable.


I don't know why your ex is acting this way. But my advice to you is to stop calling her. She will eventually come around and call you. They always do. I know you love her but if she is not responding to you after all the times you contacted her then let it be. The balls in her court. I know it's hard but you have to try your best.

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Oh ya I agree Sad no doubt, hence why I haven't done any contacting in a month and 2 weeks. Realistically I know there won't be calls backs from her so, I mean guess people go seperate ways but its kinda sad after a couple years, I can understand a few months but ehh..society sucks,haha.

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