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Ex wife still lies and I dont trust her

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Ex wife still lies and i dont trust her,for my daughter sake.She wants to be nice to me because of our daughter.

I hate that ------ so much it is hard to do it .I really like to raise my daughter myself without her around ,but she likes us both. its hard

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E She wants to be nice to me because of our daughter.

I hate that ------ so much it is hard to do it .I really like to raise my daughter myself without her around

Why is your ex being nice to you a bad thing?


And assuming you share custody in some way, not sure what you mean by "without her around".


More info would help...


Mr. Lucky

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Yes we have 50 50 but ,i know what she did in the past and i am saying will she carry it around my daughter.It bothers me .

She a trash w----e.I quess if something did happen my 8 year old would tell me too.

Edited by familygone
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