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Currently, three married men at work are interested in me. One of the three has made their interest known to me.


I've been off the market for years. My husband says he tired of men disrespecting him by flirting with me. I shut it down by stating I'm flattered, but in love with my husband.

I'd shut it down a lot harder than that. No "I'm flattered" etc. In fact, I'd just frostily ignore it and them, unless something blatant was done that couldn't be ignored, in which case I would complain. It's just gross and offensive to be making moves of any sort on a married woman at work.

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Since it's upsetting your husband - it may be useful to consider his feelings and be more solid and clear about your boundary.


Something needs adjusting - you can control that...especially if you're considering his feelings being hurt.



It's easy to say clearly "you're being inappropriate and I'm not interested". Sometimes you just have to be blunt to send the message.



If they don't act accordingly - report them to your boss. Tell your boss to keep them away from you - that you are there to work.

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It could be happening because you are putting out availability vibes. Or it could be these guys are simply creepy trollers seeing who they can catch. It amazes me how many women fall prey to these kind of guys and feel special. I've turned down quite a few of those guys in my past. They don't even blink as they move on until they find a "special" willing woman.


So, you need to be very clear in order to have this stop. If a guy says something inappropriate like you look good or he's interested in you, be very pissed. No "I'm flattered but" crap. Give him a dirty look and walk away. Show him he's out of line. You can even say " I'm married. Leave me alone. " No smile. No saving his ego. Any guys who speak like that when taken himself or saying that stuff to a taken woman is a creep! Treat him as such.

Edited by blueskyday
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Just a wondering how much convo do you give them when hubby isn't around do you flirt back or do you ever make eye contact because that is a opening to a male

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