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isnt it time we go out to dinner -its been 7 wks

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I am dating this guy-- he works longer hours mon-sat ( he is a doctor). Whenever we hang out its always at his house to watch movies. its been 7 weeks and we have only gone out to the bars for drinks maybe 3 times. DOnt you think by now he should have taken me out to dinner at least? He doesnt even come over to my apartment. It always at his. We cuddle but no sex and he says he considers us to be dating. I dotn feel like he is putting in any effort. plus he calls me that night sometimes at 630 at night ( we make plans a week in advance) to invite me over. what can I do in this situation. Not liking it :(

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It could be that he thinks since you are still around, that you must be happy with and/or condoning the arrangement on some level otherwise you wouldn't be there. Tell him you aren't liking it, explain why, thank him for a great time and if necessary, say your goodbyes. If he is compelled to make some compromises in order to keep you around, he will - if not then you'll know that he was happy with the type of relationship you had and had no intention of changing it.

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Maybe he thinks this is normal as far as dating goes. Tell him the way you want it to be and if he doesnt want the same then move on. keep us posted.

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Or you can say, "hey, I heard about this great restaurant - lets get out of the house, go tonight and check it out". Nothing wrong with making the suggestion.

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