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Sex related question


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Yesterday, I was fingering my girlfriend. I have not slept with her yet. I inserted my fingers inside, and I reached the back wall, some sort of a tissue hanging out, I assume it was a cervix??


Like a button..


and I was surprised, cause I reached it with my index finger. Now my index finger is like 3 inches..


My penis is maybe 6-7inches.


Does it mean her vagina is small? And it will hurt her, for me to have intercourse with her?


I mean I could just explore her vagina entirely with my one finger.....Is not that small?



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I'm afraid what you were feeling was NOT a back wall, as you put it. A woman's vagina is not made for exploration by untrained fingers. When you are ready to insert the appropriate biological appliance, I promise it will find it's way to the back of the bus with room to spare.


There is no way for me to tell from my computer screen whether your girlfriend's vagina is unusually small and I'm quite certain you would strenuously object if I used my normal method of making this determination.


In all great probability, her size is just fine. However, the next time you see a doctor, you might have him closely examine your fingers to see if they are shorter than average.

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You did not reach the back wall, and guaranteed, with your finger, you will not be able to.


I mean, I'm 8 1/2, almost nine inches, and I can go nearly all the way inside my girlfriend. You should have no problems.


Besides that, the woman's vagina expands to accomodate the penis.


And inevitably, it will hurt her to have intercourse - it does most women. But you could be lucky :)

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