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is this abuse or an accident?


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I learned some disturbing info yesterday.


My aunt (75) had been dating a man (85) for a while. I always thought he was a great guy but he's huge: 6'5 to her 5'6; he's probably got at least 100 pounds on her.


According to her BFF, my aunt's BF is abusing her & hitting her. I have never seen any bruises & she isn't the type to put up with a man speaking impolitely to her, so I find it incredible that she's put up with physical abuse. The friend claims last summer the BF threw my aunt to the floor & broke her collar bone. The BFF did not personally witness this. My aunt told me she fell at the gym. My cousin said that the BF made some sort of a "get away from me" gesture as my aunt stepped into his space. Give the size difference, when the BF made contact with my aunt, she fell & got hurt. I don't want to call the contact a push because that is not what was described to me. It sounds more like an accident.


I'm going to keep my eyes open but what does everyone else think?

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