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guys arnt always the ones who cheat

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me and my girlfriend have been going out for six months and im not sure if shes being faithful. shes says she loves me and crys whenever i get upset with her because she thinks im gonna break up with her. she hangs out with alot of guys at school and some of them are her ex-boyfriends, she also has the annoying habit of bringing up her ex's in conversation. MY ex-girlfriend is telling me that shes cheating on me, but my ex-girlfriend cheated on me too. she used to call her ex-b/f all the time untill i yelled at her and she has stopped (atleast in front of me). i have confronted her about it before and all she did was deny it and cry. her mom and brothers all say they would tell me if she was cheating on me, but my ex-g/f insists that she is. recently my ex-g/f got a new boyfriend and ever since then has been really mean to my new girlfriend and hasnt bother me since then. is this all just jealousy from my ex or do i actually have something to worry about? i know my girlfriend is a flirt and when i tell her that she is she crys and says that she doesnt mean to be.. am i being taken here. i really need to know if im being cheated on or if im just too insecure...

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Honey, you need to chill.


She's crying because you're being pushy with her?? Is she the type to usually cry over things like this?? If not, then she's not cheating!


There is a difference between being a little insecure and having issues. I'm not sure how old you are but this could just be your immaturity talking. Take it from an older, more experienced woman- if you keep doing this to her for no reason then she will eventually get tired of crying and begging you to believe her and really do something or leave.


You can't keep putting this much pressure on her or she will not stick around!


As for the ex g/f- if she is talking bad about your new g/f then you need to cut that off "short" as they say. Tell her you're not interested in what she has to say. She could be jealous because it looks like you've got a good thing. Whatever her motives are they are not good- if she would have cared about you she wouldn't have cheated herself.

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Honey, you need to chill.


She's crying because you're being pushy with her?? Is she the type to usually cry over things like this?? If not, then she's not cheating!


There is a difference between being a little insecure and having issues. I'm not sure how old you are but this could just be your immaturity talking. Take it from an older, more experienced woman- if you keep doing this to her for no reason then she will eventually get tired of crying and begging you to believe her and really do something or leave.


You can't keep putting this much pressure on her or she will not stick around!


As for the ex g/f- if she is talking bad about your new g/f then you need to cut that off "short" as they say. Tell her you're not interested in what she has to say. She could be jealous because it looks like you've got a good thing. Whatever her motives are they are not good- if she would have cared about you she wouldn't have cheated herself.

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men and women cheat at about the same rate. problem is that women get caught less cause they are better at covering their tracks so it LOOKS like men cheat more.

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Call me crazy, but I'm not sure that an ex-girlfriend is a reliable source when discussing the infidelity of your current girlfriend.

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I don't feel comfortable generalizing. But from my latest experience, I'm blown-away at her ability to lie over and over looking me straight in the eye. And she's so convincing that if I didn't have proof (she doesn't know I have), I'd believe her. All I can say is that I can't go against my conscience for very long...on issues WAY less repulsive.


Sure showed me the real her after 2 yrs. I wonder if she actually gets a charge out of thinking she's so good at lying. Some sick sheet man.

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