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girlfriend problems

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Hi. Just recently I found out my girlfriend of 4 years cheated on me with a guy. It broke my heart and I completely at loss. I love my girlfriend and we get along like no two other people, we have the most fun and I feel like I'm in heaven when I'm with her. I was completely shocked when she told me, she said it was at a party and things got out of control...it will take me a long time before i can trust her again..I don't want to end things; but at the same time I feel I don't deserve to be with someone who cheats on me. I've never met anyone like her and I love to death..its tearing me apart. please help :(



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hey kali!!


take it easy man!!!....if you really love her so much, why dont you give her a second chance. everybody desrves it!


think of it this way, other girls wouldn't have tell the truth of what had happened but she did and this means she is honest with you and she is really sorry for what she has done...just let her promise you not to do the the same mistake again but if she does, she is not worthy of your love.....ok,.....good luck!!!!!

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Hate to say it but I think it's probably over (You have to decide for yourself, but it would be over if this happened to me.). I assume that 'things getting out of control' means sex with someone else, right?


It is true that she probably cares about you by telling you about it, or perhaps she just couldn't live with it on her mind. Why did she do it? That is a good question to ask. Do you believe that she was just at a party and one thing led to another? People in caring, committed relationships can use their brains and stop themselves from cheating because they love you, no matter how great the temptation. ....What motivated her to go to this party in the first place?


Let's look at your alternatives. Stay or go. If you stay, will you be able to trust her again in time? Do you feel she is worth the effort to stay with? Does she really love you? (Based on her actions and my outside point of view, I'm not convinced that she does.) Is this incident going to always be on your mind or can you both get passed it? If you go, you will have to put up with major heartbreak, and being out of the dating scene for awhile. You could feel lonely without family and friend support. Eventually you will recover and move on. Either decision could be hard. I hope you make the right one.



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