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For almost a week I've been having a period of vivid dreams. Not only are they vivid but I recall them after waking.


In one dream I was sitting together with a group of people watching some popular Jesus movie. It was playing along as normal. Then suddenly the character who played Jesus spontaneously morphed into a demon who raged and shook violently. That was the end of the dream.


I also believe I was given an interpretation of this dream by the Holy Spirit:


The Jesus who I saw in the movie was the typical portrayal of Jesus in our culture. When he turned into a demon, it meant that this portrayal showed its true colors. Many believe they have been presented with the real Jesus and follow the real Jesus, but they are following the lies of a demon.

Edited by M30USA
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Cool M30. In reading your dream, I picked up something similar, but did not receive the detailed revelation that you did- awesome, you are on the money IMO. I did however, and know this is the obvious, pick up that someone famous, one who is a household name and on the lips of all, is about to be revealed big time for who they are...this is a male BTW and lives in the US. Wow M30, there may be more than one..I heard two names, and then saw a bunch more being revealed.



...I so want to share this dream I had in 1996...


I was in a battle zone, the carcasses of planes everywhere in pieces. I was in a mote and looked out and a snake popped up in my face (I am deathly afraid of snakes)...I looked at that snake grabbed it by the neck killing it and then tossed it- no fear at all. (end of dream)


During this time in my life, my now ex left me for someone else and I was a mess- depressed etc. The finances sucked, but was in no shape to work so took some time off. My father had died a few weeks prior- there was so much. LOL my ex drained the bank account also- nice guy.


A couple of months after this dream miracles began to happen left and right. So depressed I called a friend for prayer...she freaked out, "PIH, Rockwell has been looking for you, they want to call you back!" (my ex had the phone turned off...again, what a guy). I go back to work and this to die for NASA guy hit me up as I walked through the door. Turns out he was a hard core Christian (for real). My father had left me an inheritance and my stepmother was fighting me for it- she lost. Then I was tripping about the divorce, if it would be of God to divorce- the lady's husband wrote me telling me they had been having an affair for quite some time...then the divorce papers came and I knew it was cool with God.

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...another dream and this could be a repeat.


I was driving in a convertible (large size, not Mustang type) and can't remember if anyone was with me. I was driving on a mountain road in my area pretty high up. I went off the road and soared down in mid air- then woke up. This was a reoccurring dream (3 or 4 times). Then the last one, I went off the road and the car began to fly (with me in it)...soared like a bird in this car...total trip.


Thinking the interpretation is the obvious.

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