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a bj


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ok, last night, my boyfriend and i were making out, and we got really into it, and i gave him a bj. i wasnt sure what to do, and it was both our 1st time. towrds the end, he came, and i spit it out and ran to the bathroom. i had never done anything like that b4 and i wasnt sure how to react. we sat down and had a long talk about what just happened. ther is a problem thoug, my mom. ive told her about stuff that we have done, and she told me she would never want to hear that i did oral. i dont keeps secrets frm her, and i dont know how to tell her. i am so scared. if any one ahs any advice, i sure could use it. thanks

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I believe in total and complete honesty between young people and their parents. But personal things, like sex, blowjobs, heavy petting, french kissing, the whole deal...is all very personal. Parents want to hear about it but they don't want to hear about it. Just like you don't really want to know when your mom and dad do it.


Now, I don't know how old you are. If you are under 18, there are certain things you ought to discuss with your parents for your protection. If someone has sex with a minor, it's a pretty big crime. If someone over 18 gets a teen pregnant is some states, like Florida, it's a real big crime.


But I think your parents' life will be no richer or better for hearing about your blow job and you having to run to the bathroom to spit out, etc. I really think your mother would probably appreciate not hearing about that. Now, if your guy has AIDS or some other sexually transmitted disease or if he finds out he does, you need to get to a doctor right away. If you are a minor, in many states the doctor will be ethically bound to tell your parents about any treatment given.


I guess what I'm trying to say is you are engaging in adult things now. You have to get mature real fast. You used to run tell mama about everything when you were younger, but you are a big girl now and you are experiencing adult kinds of things that are not on the list of things you are obligated to run back and tell your mom.


My very strong advice is to spare your mother these details. You have to grow up now...you're a big girl. And some things that big girls do just have to be between her and her partner and shared with nobody else. Oral sex is one of them. So, from here on out, I suggest you just give up running to mama when you have sex or give blowjobs or otherwise involve yourself sexually with a man. Consider this the day you grew up.


Now if you get famous and you want to sell your story to the National Enquirer for some big $$$$, that's a whole other story. If your mother reads it in there, you can tell her they just made it all up.


KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!! Spare your mother these very personal details. She's already told you she didn't ever want to hear about it when you did oral sex. So, there, you already have her permission NOT to tell her.


One of the greatest things you will learn in your lifetime is when to open your mouth and when not to.

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