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Cofused, was I led on? Should I be angry?

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I'll try to make this short. For the last two months I've been working with a guy I like. We clicked immediately and flirted all the time. There was a lot of touching and laughing, etc. He is also very helpful to me and seems sort of protective. So I assumed we at least had a connection worth exploring. At one point, about a month ago, I asked if he would help me move. He agreed and we discussed it several times-what time (he suggested a specific time, what day (the date was the same the whole time), etc. I even talked to him about renting a truck and he was going to take my old couches. We exchanged numbers. It was weird, b/c I texted him once, he never replied. Then one time we texted for like two hours, till 1 am (nothing inappropriate). Then he invited me to a soccer game he would be playing in, but never replied when I asked him how it had gone (I couldn't go). Then, last night, he told me that he couldn't help me move. (Besides being disappointed b/c I like him, I was pissed b/c I have noone else to help me). Towards the end of the night we were talking and he asked if I was mad. I said I wasn't mad at him, it was just stressful. I asked why he had to cancel, and he mentioned his mom was going out of town. I asked if he had to drive her all day (kinda joking), and he said that wasn't the reason. The reason was that it was he and his girlfriend's two year anniversary and he forgot. WHAT? He had never ever before mentioned a girlfriend and there were plenty of times he could have just slipped that info into a conversation. So I guess, my question is, what the hell happened? What was this? And, how do I act with him now. I can't be upset about the gf, but I am upset that he left me high and dry. (And as a side note, it's possible that he just thought of me as a friend, but in my instincts tell me there is a strong attraction there. Also, if just a friendly feeling, why would he never mention his gf of two years at any point?) Insights appreciated, thanks!

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Think he was possibly sniffing out a little side action, got a guilty conscience, and backed off. I would remain cordial but distant with him at work, and not have any extra contact with him.

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Thanks, and I agree. I think he probably felt a connection/attraction, wanted to see how far it would go without actually crossing any lines, but as you said "got a guilty conscience". I plan to be co-worker polite, but keep it impersonal and distant.

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