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Cheating is never good!

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I loved my ex girlfriend as best as I could. I cheated on her. I was married when we started dating and I still some how cheated on her. She has moved on but I can't seem to. I love her so much I don't no what to do. Just venting. We were together 3.5 years.

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At least this is a first step by admitting your shortcomings.


But there is way lot more that you need to work on yourself instead of just words.


Perhaps starting first by working on your marriage?

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I know why cuz I was stupid and immature.


You cheated because your needs were not being met. Men have emotional needs the same as women. If your woman does not make you feel safe, respected, loved and wanted, then she must bear some of the responsibility for the consequences of that.


10 years go, our needs were much more simple. If a woman could maintain a household, she had both sexual power and domestic power. Men no longer need women to be housewives - we can outsource much of what women used to bring to the table.


We (people) were not exposed to as much information, temptation, and vice. This makes matters even worse.


In today's world, communication, trust and intimacy reign supreme. If you are not getting that then you are a prime candidate for cheating. Pay attention to this more next time. You may be immature, but we cheat for reasons.


Choose your partner more wisely next time. The challenge is that there are not so many quality women just roaming the streets. Today, most women are all swagger and attitude, but little substance.

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You cheated because your needs were not being met.

No, he cheated because he chose to cheat. If his needs were not being met then he should have TALKED to his partner about that. That is what mature adults do when there are problems in their relationship, they communicate with each other. If there was no solution to the problem then they should have split up and THEN he could have gone about meeting others and finding someone who will meet his needs. The OP is right, he was stupid and immature. I hope you have learned from your experience OP.

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