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Jealousy of bf chatting......

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(sorry if I make any mistakes, English isn't my first language)



So I noticied that my bf (we're pretty young -18 years old- and dating for almost a year) is always looking and chatting in him cellphone since 3 days ago.

And I know it's a girl because yesterday I saw him talking with her in facebook too. (She's more young -15/16 years old- and a friend from his cousin)



The problem is I try to ignore jealousy really hard, he can talk with any girl friends, but I'm having anxiety attacks now, and I also have gastritis and is worsening.

I'm shy which leads me to be introverted and don't talk too much, even more about my feelings. Which explains why I REALLY try ignore........




Today I was really bad, because I said about my anxiety (but not about the chatting) and he kept looking in cellphone and talking while I was really in pain and watching tv. Btw he was affectionate and planing what we're gonna do in our 1 year dating)




* When I say he's looking at his phone, it's 5min in 5min * really :(

* I already know about that girl friend but he isn't used to talk with her that much *




I'm overrating? Should I talk to him? I don't know what to do because he's my first bf and I don't wanna sound a controllable gf. :(

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What are they talking about? If it's innocent try to let it go. If it's flirting, talk to him. Don't yell but ask why he talks to her so much & tell him it hurts your feelings.

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I've no ideia, maybe I'm worrying for nothing. I'll see him today, and if he continues the chatting, I'll talk :(

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