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Does He Like Me?


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Hey guys!


I have known this guy for awhile at university. We are not really friends though, as I don't know him that well. I have a feeling he is interested in me, but I'm not sure. I have only recently taken an interest in him. Could you guys give me some insight on how you can tell if he likes me and what those signs may be. Thanks, I really appreciate it.

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The fact that you feel like he likes you is a pretty good indication. But he may be the sort of guy who needs some encouragement before he makes a move to ask you out.


Perhaps you should ask him to join you at some special campus event, such as a concert, play, lecture, celebrity appearance, comedy performance, etc. Make it a casual thing and see where things go from there.


One of the two of you is going to have to make the first move and if he's too shy, then you are going to have to be the one. He's probably wondering right now if you're interested in him.


Until things have progressed a bit further, there is no real way to know just what his interest level is. Right now, there can only be a mutual attraction.


Let's get things moving along.

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