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Why do I feel an urge to cheat?

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Hello, to start this off i want everyone to know i have never cheated. I am 16 and I have been with my girlfriend for a year now. This may not seem very long, but in high school that is fairly uncommon. Since the first date, my gf and i have pretty much been the "perfect couple". Everyone at my school thinks we are perfect together, and many including my family have already mentioned that they wouldn't be surprised if i married her. I laugh every moment i am with her, and i feel so much love towards her. We have never been in a big fight except for the occasional tense moment which we resolve quickly. I'm almost sure that i will never find someone as good as her, but here's the problem. She was the first for everything with me (except sex we are both still virgins), and i feel like i'm missing out on something. I have a huge urge to experience what other girls are like because i have only gotten to experience one. But, if i hurt my girlfriend i doubt she will ever love me the same as she does now, and right now she is totally in love with me and i love her back. I don't want to sound narcissistic but we are both pretty attractive, and a lot of girls that don't know my girlfriend flirt with me. I always try to avoid them, and i successfully have every time. But afterwards i think back and feel like i may have missed out of something great. How is that girl different from my girlfriend? How would kissing her feel like? This feeling of regret kills me. I don't know why i get these feelings though. My girlfriend is literally perfect and she suits me so well. I don't know why i would ever think about cheating on her. I don't want to cheat on her, but these feelings of regret are so powerful. I know if i ever cheated on her though, the guilt would ruin everything. I just don't know what to do, and why i get these feelings. Any advise would be very helpful! I feel like i'm stuck between losing the best girl in the world (and a lot of people would hate me) and losing out on experiencing a great part of life. P.S. please don't base your answers solely because i am younger. This problem is killing me, and i have no one to turn to so i thought this site would be my best option.

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Sorry but it is a function of your age. Many people experience this. It's a version of GIGs. . . You are growing up & maturing. You want to explore the world around you. That includes new people & new adventures.


It's OK to break up with your 1st GF. Just because it's a relatively solid 1st relationship doesn't mean you should even be thinking about forever.


If you have an itch better you should end this relationship to go scratch it then cheat or worse try to keep it together & have a mid-life crisis in 20 years.


It will hurt her feelings. She may never forgive you. As soon as you break up with her you will regret it but then it will be too late. When she gets a new BF you will feel like it's going to kill you but it won't.


Just don't cheat because that shows a lack of character.

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