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I'm so lost !?!

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What should I do? I'm head over heels about my girlfriend (1 1/2 years) but recently she informed me that she thought that we needed some time apart. This comes at a total surprise since it was only about a ten days ago that we were picking out wedding rings. Her reasoning is that she needs time to find herself. She said that there is a whole lot of world out there and a lot of things she hasn't done with her ife yet. What am I supposed to think ? How much time is enough? and Is this a nautural reaction to committment with some people?

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I think her message is pretty clear: she isn't ready to get married. That may be a very healthy response on her behalf, depending on the nature of your relationship. I don't know how old you two are, but she may just not be prepared to settle down in life. Marriage isn't something you rush into at all. It's a serious committment that many people THINK they are prepared for but usually aren't. This kind of life change is second only to parenthood in priority. I think you really need to talk to her about this....maybe you'll realize that she has quite a good point that this is the wrong time for BOTH of you and not just her. I don't think a "temporary" break up is a good idea. Those tend to become permanent for one reason or another. It may suit you best to pull back your assault and recoordinate the troops.

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What should I do? I'm head over heels about my girlfriend (1 1/2 years) but recently she informed me that she thought that we needed some time apart. This comes at a total surprise since it was only about a ten days ago that we were picking out wedding rings. Her reasoning is that she needs time to find herself. She said that there is a whole lot of world out there and a lot of things she hasn't done with her ife yet. What am I supposed to think ? How much time is enough? and Is this a nautural reaction to committment with some people?

Yes, it is natural. Be thankful it's now than after you are married and have a couple of kids. Give her some time. If it's meant to be, it will be.



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