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should i show him i like him?


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well, i have had a crush on this fraternity guy for about 1 1/2 years. in the last 2 semesters we have gotten close mostly due to the fact that my sorority and his fraternity were doing homecoming together.


well, during homecoming i tried to flirt with him, but to no avail, although i did ask him to my date party (a formal event) and he did spend the whole evening talking w me and dancing. he brought me my sorority flower with the ribbons of his fraternity colors which i found very thoughtful.


well after christmas break we did nothang out that much but when i did see him in school it was nice if brief. we did eat lunch together once.


Anyway, i got the feeling he was not interested so i decided to not initiate conversations for now.


there was an invitation only party at his fraternity house on firday and i went. i waved to him as i came in but didn't go over bc he was playing beer pong. i went to hang out with other people and had fun with other brothers of his and some friends of mine. while i was walking to et a new drink, i felt somone wrap their arms around me from behind - it was him and he's like we haven't talked in forever - how are you whst's up, i miss talking to you. etc. i told him i was getting a drink and asked if he'd like to accompany me - he's like sure and offers me his arm like those old fashioned gentleman escorts, you know? well we talked a little but then he had to go talk to one ofhis pledges.


later i was upstairs in one of his brothers bedrooms w some friends and he hugged me from behind and this time put his bead on my shoulder and was whispering to me so close i t hought he was going to kiss my neck. but he didn't. then his brother asked him something and he started telling everyone this story.


okay, so he did talk to other girls sometimes but no random girls just ones he knew - and i knew all of them too - they are def not interested in him and neither is he, but he is just a friendly guy - so i don't know if he could be interested or if i am deluding myself. the only reason i een think he might be interested is bc when i was leaving he kissed my cheek and then the cheek of the girl i came with and then kissed me cheek again saying that i get an extra bc i am special. and then he's like - you know you wanted it, and walked upstairs to his bedroom i assume still maintaining eye contact w me.


i don't know if i shouls keep up the playing it cool act bc it seemed to work or if i should show him i like him or if i should forget aboutit altogether, bc i am not sure if he is interested.


damn, humans are the only ones who make this mating business so complicated!


thanks for reading guys!


i appreciate it!

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Invite him to a play, concert, sporting event, lecture or other special occasion on campus. I'm sure he will accept. That will give the two of you a chance to talk and offer you a better opportunity to see just where his head is.


You have to understand that guys in fraternities are often very happy to just have a lot of girls around and prefer not to get too serious with any one of them. But if he's very fond of you, there's no reason you can't have a positive dating relationship...even if it's not committed.


You'll never know unless you try. Find something to invite him to and give him a call.

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