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My ex has moved on to a new man and it hurts me. I need to do the same but I don't know if I should try and find a perfect fit for me or just a new girlfriend

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If you don't know, then I just don't think you're ready yet. Why not just jack up your friends and start going and doing stuff with them that has nothing to do with meeting women but just fun things to give yourself time and heal some.

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I can't just sit around and wait for things to get better , I need to put myself out their and meet someone new .

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Don't use some girl to get over another girl,it's not fair on her and also takes away the possibility of being with your true love.

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My ex has moved on to a new man and it hurts me. I need to do the same but I don't know if I should try and find a perfect fit for me or just a new girlfriend


Hate to burst your bubble, but a perfect fit for you (or anybody else) doesn't exist.


You should definitely wait until you are over your ex before you go back to dating though, you will only hurt yourself and others if you don't.

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pappa k


You are so desperate to be coupled up right now that you aren't going to find that special someone because the desperation is pouring out of every pore of your body & rendering you unattractive.


You need to calm down & take a deep breath. You are a 24 year old father. Your child needs to be a priority & you have your whole life to find Ms. Right. Breathe & ease up on the pressure you are putting yourself under.


Once you overcome the desperation to be part of a couple, date casually. Do not introduce these new women to your child. It will confuse the child. In dating as you gain more confidence you will eventually find the Right One.

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