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mixed signals.

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So, I am met this woman on a dating site. Our first date was really awkward. but in a sorta fun way. she has stopped dating until recently, went through a horrible breakup with her bipolar ex who is in a mental hospital now and its been a year since she has even went on any dates prior to last month..


a little about her: she is skittish to the extreme. with everyone who she doesn't know. Took us a while before she would even get into my car and us do something together. She has trust issues but is working on them. Previous to us meeting up she has been on 4 dates total since the break up.


Anyways, She said at the end of the first date lets be friends since she felt no physical attraction to me. I told her fine by me -since I tend to want to be friends first and foremost before even doing any actual dating anyways with anyone-.


So fast forward getting together a few times over the last month. We go out for drinks, dancing, conversation, watching plays together, etc.. and have a blast.


Well last night was kinda awkward. We began talking about sex casually and what not, She admitted she loves sex and its been a while. The problem is most guys who she has been on dates with have not actually showed any interest in her who she is attracted too. and she doesn't desire a 1 night stand or anything like that.


She said she would like to find someone who would value her and prove her past history with guys wrong (which is that after sex they essentially leave the relationship and it breaks her emotionally). I admitted I don't do that. Even if it is a friends with benefits thing. I tend to enjoy the person as is. Even if sex isn't involved afterwards.


Well later that night as we were driving back to my place to drop me off, We got a little comfy in the car. I gave her a back massage, we cuddled, etc.. but no kissing on the lips, although I affectionately/playfully kissed her on the neck.


She said it was nice, since she needs to get used to physical contact again and trust me on my word that she would have to make the moves since I refuse to -out of friendship for her and don't want to force anything or cause any confusion- make any moves. I said I enjoyed it also. but I left everything as is.


thing is.... I pretty much while massaging her had my hands or arm against her breast while bracing her. which she had no issues with.


Is it she trust me and is fine with this. Or do you think she might want more? I wouldn't ever abuse what we have but am clueless about how to proceed. She knows I like her and find her attractive.

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Well, if somebody got me to promise I'd never make a move unless they did, damn if I'd make a move on them. You might remind her of that promise in case she's forgotten.

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