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There is no normal. You didn't say what kind of fantasies he has, whether they're of doing a certain thing with you or being with another woman. If he is fanatsizing about being with another woman, say a beautiful singer or actress, while he is with you...and doing that a lot...I would say you ought to get that checked out by a professional.


Please post again and tell us exactly what kind of fantasies he is having and with or about whom. That would help.

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I wouldn't worry too much - at least he's honest. I think most guys fantasie during and thinking about sex. I think if women were honest they would admit this too. I don't think it means he thinks any less of you.


I think it is normal to fantasise. You didn't say what he fantasises about. Most men (and women) before they meet a woman will fantasise. It is difficult to stop this just because they are in a relationship. Is it situations he would like to have sex with you in (different scenarios etc, you dressing up, him dressing up) or is it other women. If it is other women I know that can be really hurtful.


If you find out more, maybe you might surprise yourself and find that his fantasies actually turn you on, or you might find some of your own.


Don't worry too much about it as long as he's not thinking about other women all the time. If he was to admit he thought about another women it doesn't really mean he would do that if he had the opportunity - that's what fantasies are all about, doing things you wouldn't dream of doing in real life.


Hope I've been of some help.

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