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I get called buddy a lot by men.

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Men call me buddy a lot and I don't like it, I even get it when I talk to customers on the phone. My friends don't call me buddy they mostly call me buy my name or they call me bro when we text. Call me crazy but I take it as a jab that they think they're more masculine than me or something and I personally would never call a grown man buddy, it would't feel right for me. I live in the US for geographical purposes.

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Maybe it's just the common phrase in whatever part of the US you're in. Here in Massachusetts it's man. Hey man, thanks man, etc etc etc.

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Around here, Buddy is never a derogatory term. It's friendly. Get over it. Sounds like your insecurities talking.

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I get "sweetie" or "sweetheart" "love" or "young lady" I kind of like the last one considering im 36 now lol.. the others can be a little uncomfortable to different degrees depending on whose saying it but I just take it with a grain of salt and smile..


Now "buddy" could be a tough one as it can be used casually or as an insult again depending on who and how its used but im guessing its more the casual usage so your alright just think like I do could be called alot worse..lol

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Bruce Leigh

In Wales its something along the lines "alright butt, cheers butt, whats happening butt"

I do this myself with some friends I have known for 30 odd years and they do the same.

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In Somerset it's "alright my lover" even for casual friends/acquaintances. Generally not used for same-sex, though.


Reminds me of...

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I'm in a "bro" relationship with a guy. It's basically very similar to best friends. And probably even emotionally more intimate than marriage.

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I always insist that people call me "El Tigre". I suggest you do the same.

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Those Speedos are going to your head.


Me old `China Plate`



I always insist that people call me "El Tigre". I suggest you do the same.
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