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Boyfriend addicted to computer

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Just because someone isn't on a computer every minute of the day doesn't mean they don't have a computer addiction, Sunday's are the only day that computer gets a rest.


Actually for it to be an addiction I would believe they would have to be on it everyday just saying also curious when hes on the PC is he making money from trading the music? and dose he take a break here and there to talk to you? im surprised if his "addiction" is this bad you had no previous idea you never went over his house?


If you spend time together outside of the house and do those activities that is great. However, why does it matter if he uses the computer while you watch TV? You could be in the same room. Find something to do while he uses the computer, get out and be social. If it's that important to you set aside a time and day each week where you do something you enjoy like watching a show together.


They do have a day together Sunday but the OP still feels neglected I don't know I think maybe they are just not the best match but that's jmo..

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Maybe I need suggestions on that.


Well, that would depend entirely on the two of you. Do either of you enjoy board games or card games? Cooking together? How often do you have sex/make out?


I go with him to music concerts so no one can say I don't take an interest in what he does. I don't want him to stop doing what he enjoys doing but to take an interest in what I do more. Just because someone isn't on a computer every minute of the day doesn't mean they don't have a computer addiction, Sunday's are the only day that computer gets a rest.


Sunday is really the only day we go out and do stuff together.


If you are spending all Sunday every Sunday together then it sounds like you are getting some pretty reasonable time together IMO. What happens on Saturdays, are you both off work then?


If he wants to go on the computer fine, but 24/7 when I live with him? Na, I don't get it. It was him pushing me into living with him so now I am and I get ignored. I didn't realise the extent of how much time he spends on the computer before. What are we both getting out of it if he's doing one thing all the time and I'm doing another? We may as well go back to our previous arrangement.


Well, first off, don't get 'pushed' into living together if you don't really want to.


Secondly, could you detail a typical day of your lives?

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