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in alot of emotional pain,dont know what to do


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Last night it came to a shock that I was in chat and someone that I knew came in and said farewell to everyone.It was one of the hardest moments in chat that I ever faced. He's not expected to live much longer. I was up most of the night and couldnt sleep good.I woke up crying.It just isnt easy to watch a good friend go. It's hard,it's not going to be the same when I go chat and dont see his nic name there.I feel so empty right now knowing that my friend is going.I'm going to be lost with out him.

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This sort of thing is just the reality of life. It has beginnings and endings. I hope you will use the time you are feeling down and sad about your friend to ponder how much better life would be if we treated everybody as if it were their last day on earth. I think it would be a much better world.


Your friend isn't dead yet. There is no way of accurately predicting when deth will come. This may be your very first experience with losing a friend or loved one this way. But it happens eventually to all of us and it's as much a part of life as anything else.


Rejoice in this day and live it for everything it has to offer. Be kind to all you come in contact with. Clocks may stop but time never does...and the time for each of us to remain alive decreases with each precious moment.


Celebrate the good times, the times you spent with your friend...and pray that he has a pleasant transition into the next world. Hopefully it will have Internet connections as well. You just never know.

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Bobby Dygytul

Its hard to have to go through something like that. My mother died when i was 16 years old, right in front of me, and it was the hardest thing i ever had to go through. But thats life and unfortunatly we all have to die sometime or another. I have been through several friends and family members dying and its always really hard (especially when its your own mother). But i got over it and so will you.

Last night it came to a shock that I was in chat and someone that I knew came in and said farewell to everyone.It was one of the hardest moments in chat that I ever faced. He's not expected to live much longer. I was up most of the night and couldnt sleep good.I woke up crying.It just isnt easy to watch a good friend go. It's hard,it's not going to be the same when I go chat and dont see his nic name there.I feel so empty right now knowing that my friend is going.I'm going to be lost with out him.
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Thats true.Im sure it will take some time.But in time I'll have to get over it and accept it.Then maybe I'll start to feel better.

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