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Help! My fiance has come home with glitter on his face and smelling like perfume before. I have seen unusual marks on him that appear to be burns on his face, the upper inner portion of his thigh, and even on his *****. When I asked him about the last one, he claimed he got it from friction inside of me, but that sounds too impossible to believe. I've been with him for a year and hadn't seen it before, even though he says it has happened to him before. He continually flirts with other women in front of me even though we're engaged, and when he's drinking he brags in front of other women how good he is in bed and even talks about our problems at his favorite bar. Yet, if he's having an affair, that is being kept secret.


He goes shopping at a flea market that’s next to his ex-girlfriend’s house every weekend, and is gone for two hours sometimes. When we go there together, we’re back in an hour or less. Last weekend, the day before Valentine’s Day, he came home from the flea market after being gone for 2-1/4 hours. The next day, I found a semen spot in his underwear close to the waistband.


He says he craves other women but doesn't want to have sex with them, and he's way too much into porn. He likes to hang out in his favorite bar (almost everyday, while I sit at home and he calls to check on me every hour or two), and when I walk into the bar, he's either sitting or standing by a woman yet doesn't want me going to the bar by myself or sitting by other men. He denies cheating and looks me straight in the eye when he's drinking, but yesterday I asked him when he was sober, he looked to the left, blinked his eyes, and said "no" and then turned back to look at me.


How can I trust him?

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Whaoh! Extreme?


You obviously do not believe this guy or you wouldn't be posting!


Sorry, this reeks of a man on the prowl with ex.

Yes they can look you straight faces and very serious and deny!

Mine did thus he is my exH! I never did believe his bs!!! I sought out the facts found them, kicked his ass out due to no work on our marriage and I am not about to look back!


Lesson learned and now my red flags are a better indicator to me than ever!


I would not be able to emotionally take this kind of behavior for very long and your eyes are not open your in denial! Yes denial, we all have been there! it is a common emotionally safety switch when something that is going to hurt badly in a relationship is just tuned out! But your gut is a good indicator! That is the RED Flags I depend on and it has proven true for me over and over again!


Good luck with pining you b/f in coming clean, mine never did!

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WTF :mad:


Your BF goes to his favourite bar and then calls to check in on YOU every couple of hours!? AND he doesn't want you going to bars without him.. but it's good to go for him to do this?


Uh.. let me tell ya sista.. if it's good to go for him to do this sh*t, then he had better freaking know it's DOUBLE GOOD FOR YOU to do it too!





Your BF sounds like an assclown.. a controlling, cheating, lying assclown :mad:


Time for roll call here! I'm with Tiki.. if you're willing to put up with this sh*t now, wtf is he going to do once your married to his dumb a**?



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You are not blind, your sight is perfect!

The rules for your marriage are already established, hope this is what you want!

I'm just sitting here with my eyes wide open in disbelief, how anyone can treat someone like this is bizarre and sad.I know some people might suggest to work this out but why??If someone tried to pull this off as the correct way to treat your future spouse I would leave pronto!

I wish you the best of luck.

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As merin has said, your assclown-omoter is correct, you just need to kick yourself in the ass and do something about his behaviour. Though I suck at the confronting part of this, so maybe someone else can give you advice on how to confront him.

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