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Are interracial relationships like this generally rare across the USA?

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Ian Fleming
Black men are a bigger part of the population than indian men...


true, but latino men are a bigger part of the population than black men

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Ian Fleming

lets not even bring up the fact that cost of living in CA is through the roofs


How is Texas?

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lets not even bring up the fact that cost of living in CA is through the roofs


How is Texas?


It's rising quickly because too many people are moving here. The average house is only $140k and $300k will buy a something that cost over a million in Cali.. You can actually survive without having 4 roommates.


Most of the California people cry and whine about the weather here. Lol

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Well as an Indian guy, I do notice that a lot of the disapproval that my girlfriend and I get is not from white people but more so from minorities. For some reason, women from minority backgrounds feel that they are entitled to me (especially indian and for some odd reason black women) and cannot deal with the fact that I am dating a girl that is white. Most white guys do not care at all but guys from other minority backgrounds (hispanic, black, asian, and arab/pakistani) get a bit angry at me for it.





Can't you just tell these girls to F--- OFF? Why don't you defend yourself? Put them in their place. I certainly wouldn't let it worry me if I were you. The only thing that matters is your girl and you. Why do you care what others think or say?

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Black men are a bigger part of the population than indian men...


True and Black men have no problems dating white women. OP, I don't understand why they would be angry with you they don't have problems in that area.

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I'm pretty sure that not very many people really care about who you date, even though you are Indian. Many people are not race obsessed and have a live and let live pov. You might be misreading things. Just live your life.

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lets not even bring up the fact that cost of living in CA is through the roofs


How is Texas?


Housing prices are rising, but still low compared to any other big city.


This thread is surprising to me. I didn't think anyone cared about interracial dating anymore. I do it almost exclusively and never, ever had an issue with it. I don't recall ever seeing anyone having an issue with it (though I'm not saying it doesn't happen.


Maybe it is due to traveling in upper middle class circles, but to me it is commonplace and a non issue. (And yes, that includes at least one Indian husband and white-Russian wife).

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Ian Fleming
True and Black men have no problems dating white women. OP, I don't understand why they would be angry with you they don't have problems in that area.



LOL lemme guess, you are getting all this off of the media rather than real life experiences?


Quality black men such as adrian peterson have no problems but most men (of any race including black) are nothing like him. I'll admit it now, as an indian, most men from my race could not get decent looking girls of other races. Most men in general cannot get decent looking women.


That said, yes, a lot of black guys do have problems in that area. The ones that bother me and my girlfriend are not the classy and educated type though, just the more urban thug baggy clothes talking in slang type of guys who seem to approach girls with their "game" and "swag" only to get blown out. In fact, guys of ALL races that fit that stereotype tend to do this.


As I have said, surprisingly, white males do not give my girlfriend and I a lot of issues. Most of the times it is women from minority groups and guys from minority groups that make my life a living nightmare for it.

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Ian Fleming
I'm pretty sure that not very many people really care about who you date, even though you are Indian. Many people are not race obsessed and have a live and let live pov. You might be misreading things. Just live your life.


Well let me share some of the things I have encountered while being with her.


1. I was in line at a restaurant, some black approached her with his game and swag while she was with me, she rejects him and he throws a tantrum which ends in him calling me racial slurs.


2. I have had black girls that I interacted with (for school work) literally shout at my face and call me all sorts of nasty names for dating a girl that is white, even though I am not black myself, and call her a few nasty names.


3. I have had urban thug type of latino guys grop my girlfriend and literally harass her right in front me. Tried to push one off and 3 of his friends jumped in and attacked me.


4. I have had girls of other races (usually black for some reason) try to flirt with me in front of my girlfriend, when I rejected them they usually resorted to shouting racial slurs.

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Ian Fleming

If it means anything, these aren't strangers, these are people who somewhat know us and have interacted with us before. Outside of the guy who yelled racial slurs at me.

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If it means anything, these aren't strangers, these are people who somewhat know us and have interacted with us before. Outside of the guy who yelled racial slurs at me.

Of course it means something. It means you hang out with scum.

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understanding we are talking IN GENERAL:


California and the Northeast (where i live) are more accepting of mixing then elsewhere. BTW college does not count, because while anything goes, they eventually go elsewhere and its back to the norm.


white men date any person.


whites and blacks are common (both genders).


whites and latino are common (both genders).


blacks and latino --- not really seen this.


indian and asian men appear 'trapped' with their own while the women can be with white men.


interestingly i was told by more than one asian woman --- black men are an absolute no, and mixing within asian is worse: say a chinese with japanese.

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I don't think you are ever going to find that 'perfect' place where you don't get discrimination. You won't be able to control other people and there will always be crappy people out there. If you are getting the majority of discrimination from people you somewhat know then I would avoid these people.


I live in TN; the south is stereotyped for racism. I am a white woman married to an Asian man. When we dated I would notice the stares and looks but now I don't. Eventually, I got to a point where I just didn't give a crap about what everyone else thought. They weren't me or living my life and if they tried to say something then I put them in their place.


I see interracial couples here all the time; white/black, hispanic/white, asian/white. My next door neighbor is a white woman/black man couple.


Maybe it's because we are a College town or maybe it's because we don't take crap around here but people date and marry who they want. If someone has a problem with it then they usually end up regretting saying anything after we lay into them.


Just my 2 cents.

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Ian Fleming
Of course it means something. It means you hang out with scum.


We don't hang out with those people, a lot of them simply see us in class and have interacted with us before so the conflict happens.

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Ian Fleming

LOL @ the guy that liked my post!!! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


Asian and indian men are trapped in their own race because they choose to be. I look around on campus and see that most of them refuse to hit the gym or even improve themselves that much though Asians are making progress. That said, I think that is what is really driving the racism my girlfriend and I receive. People have already assigned me a role as some pushover foreigner so when they see me with a girl that American society prizes, they cannot handle it for some reason.


It is as if people are used to seeing white men with other races and black men dating other races that they do not care but they expect me to go after my own race or be lonely. As a result of all this I can where the racism is coming from.


I can deal with stares and people being rude to us behind our backs but what I have issues dealing with is people confronting us, making our lives a living hell, and me having to deal with possible fights because of it is what really gets on my nerves.


In the end though, I do love my girlfriend and she loves me, our families love each other, and I do like being with her. It is just that growing up I thought society was accepting of interracial relationships and for me to get into all of this unnecessary drama from people I barely know for dating white girl is just so eye opening.

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You just got to stand your ground and tell people to back off.



My Husband deals with people saying all kinds of racial slurs and offenses to him on a daily basis. Not because he's married to me but because customers don't like a "foreigner" working in their store.


The thing about bullies is, if you stand up for yourself enough then it's no longer fun for them to attack you. If the same group of people keep attacking you then file harassment charges.


I wish the best of luck to you, I know it's hard dealing with this. I've dealt with this first hand as well.

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I honestly hardly see mixed races dating and if I do, I tend to be either amazed or just say, "oh that's cool". It's mainly because I live in the deep south. I can believe highly that places like California or New York have a higher amount of people who date outside of their race. The only couple of times I've seen it was in high school: black woman/white guy & white male, indian woman. But outside of high school? Scarce.


Honeslty if someone gives you flack or judges you about it, tell them it's none of their business and move along. I can see how annoying it may be.

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