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Paris Hiltons "hollywood prescription"

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Have any of you heard of Paris Hiltons new lip gloss line or used it? Its called Hollywood prescription. Supposably the serum makes your lips look bigger. Ive heard of other products out there that do the same. Is that even possable? Im thinkin its a hoax!

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There are lip treatments out there that plump up your lips temporarily. They use irritants and stuff like that to inflame the skin and make it swell. Lip Venom is one product that comes to mind.

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I have fat lips genetically.. LMAO


Actually had ppl ask me before if I had botox injections to make them like that.. :eek:


I haven't heard of this procedure that Paris Hilton had done... but.. hmm.. dunno, me thinks sometimes it's better to love what ya got.. because IMO some of those treatments just look wiggy...

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Theres no way I could use that..I could just imagine with my allergies My lips would swell for days...lol



I have heard of other products out there that can do the same but I am scared of using them. Its not like if something goes wrong you can hide your lips they are on your face!!


I do like Jessica Simpsons products. Because they taste really good.

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