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Have you cheated?

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Have you cheated and not been caught? If so, did you quit or did you find yourself doing it again? Did you feel guilty and just pray they didn't find out or did you feel so guilty you just told on yourself?

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Did it for four years (relationship ended after one year of it, but continued the relationship for 3 more), never got caught, won't do it again - EVER.

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right after i Found out my Bf had cheated on me, i went out and did the same.


Although i slept with this other guy, actually i had known him a few years and always had this crush on him, and then there was the oppurtunity. it was almost lioke i was supposed to!


then i have kissed My FWB guy that i think likes me still. But he was dating someone, and HE felt bad, so we just email now.


But no, my bf has not found out. i do feel a small amount of guilt, but not really.


i have not done anything like that since november though.


i would not have cheated if he had not.

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I cheated on an ex~boyfriend in 9th grade (long long time ago) ~felt HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE!!!


Then I married a guy who cheated on me... karma is a B****!! So I divorced him & built a new life with my son 200 miles away.


And no I would not EVER EVER EVER cheat on anyone ever again...

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i had been married for 1 yr and it was going down the tubes. anyways, my boss asked me to go to washington d.c. for a week long database class and i stayed at a real nice hotel.


ended up hooking up with this woman in my class from across the country and on last nite there we go drunk and f***ed, basically a ONS.


i felt a bit guilty but it was fleeting cause I knew my marriage was a nitemare. my ex-wife never found out and i never told her.


i filed for divorce maybe a yr and a half after this incident. only time i ever messed around on someone but i must be honest and say i'd probably do it again.

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I've never cheated on anyone and I don't think I ever could. If my relationship was bad, I would end it and look for someone else. I would also leave if my husband ever cheated on me.

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I never have, although I had the opportunity a few times.

I flirt a lot, but I would never let it get out of hand.

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I cheated in August and I feel so guilty about it. I wasnt sure if I was cheating though because my situation was more friends with benefits but we have recently had a conversation where he said he hasnt done anything at all with anyone else in the last two years we have been doing this funky thing. I felt like an arse! Cheating made me realize what my feelings were. My cheating experience could have turned into a relationship with that guy but I realized how much I loved my guy. I never cheated before that other then 14 years ago back in High School but I dont think that counts. I will never EVER do it again though.

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In past relationships, yes. I was always either stepping out, or being the OW. It was a long time thing for me. While I have no regrets, those days are far behind me though now, thankfully - and I learned a good many lessons from all those times.


Did I ever feel guilty? Scared of being caught maybe and having to deal with emotional fallout, but never really guilty. I was admittedly pretty heartless back in my time.

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No offense to anyone here, but no one really THINKS they're going to cheat.


It's not like I didn't say the same thing, "I'd NEVER do that" or like I've dreamt of one day being a cheater. It's all about what situation you're faced with. Sure, it had notable lessons learned, and I still think I'd NEVER do it again, but it happened. Oh fwell. Color me red.

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Originally posted by LucreziaBorgia

Did I ever feel guilty? Scared of being caught maybe and having to deal with emotional fallout, but never really guilty. I was admittedly pretty heartless back in my time.


i'm glad someone else is honest around here.

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yeah - my question was more for the people who have and what the consequences were. Not really to get bashed for it. But it is my fault, i worded the "topic" wrong I guess. I am just dealing with some stuff right now and wanted to hear other peoples situations. Drugs and alcohol kind of involved in my situation ---

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"Drugs are bad um-kay...."


My ex~husband's consequence for cheating on me was "losing his family" as he puts it. I moved to the metroplex with my 4yr old son, started a new life & divorced him.

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Originally posted by savethedrama4yrmama

Do you count kissing as cheating?


no, we're talking penetrtion here

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Yeah, It still stings that I made that choice. Still kick myself about it too.


I kept it hidden for the duration, but something cracked and I told, months after it was all over. I was ultimately forgiven, but that damage was too great I think in hindsight.


Still, it's one of the regrets I will have to take to the grave I think. Oh wait, I don't want to be buried.


Shoot me into the sun! :D

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Originally posted by savethedrama4yrmama

Do you count kissing as cheating?


i do! otherwise i could be free to make out with who ever when ever.

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Originally posted by tattoomytoe



i do!



Okay, then yes. :p WHen I was with an ex boyfriend, some other guy moved in for a kiss. I didn't start it, but I didn't stop it quite quickly enough for my conscience to shut up. I still feel guilty about it.

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Yeah, I cheated. Two time deal with a long time friend during my marriage. I was at the point where I was so lonely and depressed I would have done anything. Didn't get caught during the time, didn't feel guilty. It scared me however because I knew if I was unhappy enough to cheat that I might do something even scarier!


Now that I'm in the middle of my d it's out in the open. There have been horrible consequences! Everyone is hurt and it's awful. I still don't feel guilty though. It's something I think I needed to do at the time. I wouldn't ever do it again though knowing what I know now. It's just not worth it!


No one thinks that they will cheat- everyone says, "Not me" That was me too up until 6 months before it happened. I had always said, that will never be me. NO ONE knows what they would do in that situation until you get there. I had had plenty of chances before and always turned them down. It was just something about that time.



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