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what to do????


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i work with a very pretty, nice, and seemingly intelligent girl. i have been avoiding asking her out because i am currently in college preping for law school and I am a single father. besides work relationships just don't seem to work in my experience. currently this lovely young lady (who by the way is younger than myself) is dating a co-worker. thier relationship is currently on the rocks. he smokes some not nice things and lies to her about it. in addition he brags to others about his sexual activities with her. I of course think this makes him the worst kind of scumbag. but i have restrained from saying anything because it doesn't seem like my business. plus i would have to question my motivation. would i be doing it for selfish reasons? anyway this girl and myself got to talking one day and discovered we both have a desire to take swing dance lessons. so we did we just finished our third lesson. and we're pretty good if i do say so myself. after this last lesson she asked me what i knew about her scumy boyfriend. at first i was reluctant but i eventually told her what i knew about his drug habit. then she asked me what i thought about him personally. again i waffeled but eventually came clean and told her i though he was garbage for lying to her and talking about her like she's some kind of slut.it seems like their relationship is on the downslide. i told her if she's still single after i get through at least my first year of law school i would love to take her out and show her how a good guy can treat a lovely lady. she proceeded to ask me if i was really so confident "on the inside" as i appeared on the outside i told her not so fast you can't just get through my hard candy shell to my soft center that fast. she laughed at that. in a good way. we are going out to a club this weekend to dance in public for the first time wich is cool. but to be honest instead of waiting like i should i would really like to see about getting a little more serious with her. up to this point i have been looking to avoid going too far because i don't want to hurt her or get myself in a situation while i still have so much serious school left but it is geting hard to keep seeing her and keep from letting my feelings develop. i know what i want to do but i'm not sure if i should. what do you think? anybody

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Go for it.


But don't make anymore comments about the guy she's seeing now. If she asks more questions, let her know you don't want to discuss the matter any further.


If you're going to be a great attorney, you need to know that making negative statements about other people can get you into trouble. You never know about people. This girl's relationship could improve with him and she could tell him everything you have said. Or she may just use your statements to help her break up with him more easily.


I wish you luck with this lady.

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