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Hey all, you may remember my post a few weeks back about this girl I've got a thing for. I've been talking to her quite a bit, but I've noticed something. She has what i call a 'pottymouth'. She swears constantly. Tell me your thoughts on women who swear. Is it a bad thing?

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Bobby Dygytul

Just remember that if her mouth starts running and running and starts to act like its going to overflow, then to take a plunger to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey all, you may remember my post a few weeks back about this girl I've got a thing for. I've been talking to her quite a bit, but I've noticed something. She has what i call a 'pottymouth'. She swears constantly. Tell me your thoughts on women who swear. Is it a bad thing?
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It would be sexist for me to say that women who swear disgust me far greater more than men who do.


But I will say that there is only one thing in the world that repulses me more than women who use profanity, and that is women who smoke.


I don't want to sound prejudiced against women who smoke so I will also say I am equally repulsed by men who smoke.


Kissing a girl who smokes is like kissing an ash tray. There are ash trays more attractive and worthy of my love than women who use profanity in between puffs on a cigarette.


Now you didn't want to hear all this, did you?

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Yuck! I don't like it when females swear either. And my guy friends cut down on their cursing out of respect when they hang out with us girls.


Maybe I'm old-fashioned but I've always believed that it isn't "lady-like" at all.


One time I was sitting at the mechanic's getting the oil changed when a young guy started arguing with one of the mechanics. And the mechanic remained calm even though this kid was yelling at him. When he said a string of curse words though, the mechanic grabbed him and threw him up against his car and yelled "Watch your mouth! Don't you see there's a lady in here???". The guy got scared and shut up. Meanwhile, I looked around for the "lady" until I realized he was referring to me.


Ever since then I always made sure I didn't pick up that UN-ladylike habit.


So to answer your question, I think it depends on the person. Some guys may not mind it while others find it rude and disgusting.

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..the only time i swear is when i run out of cigarettes :) he, he!

It would be sexist for me to say that women who swear disgust me far greater more than men who do. But I will say that there is only one thing in the world that repulses me more than women who use profanity, and that is women who smoke.


I don't want to sound prejudiced against women who smoke so I will also say I am equally repulsed by men who smoke. Kissing a girl who smokes is like kissing an ash tray. There are ash trays more attractive and worthy of my love than women who use profanity in between puffs on a cigarette. Now you didn't want to hear all this, did you?

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there is nothing more off-putting than a chick who peppers her sentences with swear words. it is crass and it is so unclassy (sic?). as for guys, i personally get offended when a guy swears his head off around me. quite often though, when a man swears near me and then he realises i am there, i receive an apology.


the majority of people swear if they've hurt themselves (s***e!!, f***) or if they are upset etc, but there is absolutely no reason to use is so casually in general conversation, "i'm f***ing thirsty". yeah, you get my drift...


as for smoking, well, i'm a smoker, but my ex wasn't. being a non-smoker, i knew he didn't like it, so out of simple respect for him, i never smoked when we were together. he worried about my health and i'm sure the smell of it would have been a worry too. we basically compromised - i wouldn't smoke when i was around him, but when he wasn't around, i would smoke. easily solved and everyone was happy!!!


i have general rules: i do not smoke at a dinner table - EVER; i do not assume i can smoke in someone's house or car(unless they are a smoker themselves and give permission); i always dispose of my cigarette butts thoughtfully i.e. bin; if i am standing near someone and i realise they are not comfortable with cigarette smoke around them, i will move.


anyway, i'm getting off track....


to that end - swearing stinks (and so does smoking!!)

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