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Me And My Best friend have been pals for 10 years i have known his girlfriend for almost 3 years thay have been together for 3 years plus thay have a almost 1 year old baby witch is going to be my god son this has been going on for a while but i hardly saw it but my best pals girl has liked me ever since high school behind my best pals back when ever i am at there house she flirts with me a lot like she opens her shirt a lil so her boobs show or when my best pals not looking she gives weard looks at me but this has been going on for almost a year now we chat a lot now on the net she like my best girl pal i can tell her anything and she help me the best way she can but the biggest thing happend one night when we where chatting i asked her does she like me or somthing she sayed yea a lot she sayed if she had a wish it was to have a one night stand with me i told her i can never do that to my best pal she sayed she has always liked me she sayed what he dont no wont hirt him that night we had cybersex for like a hour then the next day when i was at work she called and saying that she felt bad i told her so do i what kind of pal and i to do that she sayed its ok we did not cheat because it was over the net.So 3 months have pasted since that internet fling one day on my day off she asked me to stop by her house to fix there computer when i got there her sister left i was hoping she was comming back but she didint i was there all alone with my pals girl for 3 hours she started to firlt but right away i started working and blue her off she saw that i was not paying atension so she stoped that same day my best pal came home with flower for her while i was still working on the computer he saw me and thoght nothing of me being there strange so i went home feeling awfule but the biggest thing happend i am no dateing a girl that care for very much when i got on my computer 2 months later my best pals girl was on her web cam she invited me to watch her so i did she kept telling me she wanted me really bad and i told her i can ot cheat on my girl so she sayed i only want to make out with you i said it wouldint be right then she started to flash me on her web cam i started to get hard she asked me to masterbate so i did i started to feel like i wanted to mess around with her i started telling her to do things on the cam she did everything i told her when i was done she sayed we can do this if u want more and more i sayed shure now i am think of making out with her and having sex with her she sayed if we do it would have to be before my best pal and her are married i sayed ok now i dont no what has happend to me i am now changing the way i feel about her i am doing things behing my pals back what should i do please help help before this get out of hand thank you.

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Pound for pound, that post has to have the highest ratio of grammatical and spelling errors I have ever seen. My brain hurts from trying to decipher what it was supposed to mean.


Now, for advice on your problem. Get some integrity and honor. Stop flirting back with your supposed best friend's fiancee, tell her to stop or you will have to tell your friend the truth about this woman.

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Originally posted by _Saffy_

i got fed up after the first sentence........which took 20 minutes to read.



Based on normal uses of punctuation and capitalization, if you got through the first sentence, you read the whole thing.

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ok here is my recommendation i would not do anything with this girl her boyfriend is your best friend and you should never ever mess with your best friends woman and that would be wrong you also should think twice about your self control because I think you have issues i know you are a guy and all but you need to learn to keep your peen in your pants and your hormones under control you should never have even had cybersex with this girl you knew she was taken get a grip man

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This is something to consider. Down the line your best friend (?) will find out. He or his girlfriend will tell your current girlfriend.


If you were really his friend, you would tell him what his girlfriend and you have been doing so he will not marry her. If the roles were reversed, wouldn't you want your best friend to tell you that the woman you were engaged to wanted to screw his best friend and has been having cybersex behind his back?


Why don't you step up to the plate and show some character and tell you best freind what is up? Again if the roles were reversed, wouldn't you want the same? The bottom line is that you have already stabbed your best friend behind his back so why not try a little honesty here and save your friend. It is the least you can do.

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That was a bit hard to understand, but if I get the gist of it right, there is only one piece of advice I would offer.


Think of how YOU would feel if you're best friend were to sleep with the love of your life. Now, maybe you are a heartless guy, but from deciphering your post, that doesn't seem true. So, the very fact that this bothers you shows you that it is WRONG.


I can understand how situations can occur, but you need to sack up and be a man. And no matter what you hear about how being a man is to have sex with everyone, a real, true Man honors his friends and does the right thing, no matter how "hard" it may be. Tell this girl you WILL NOT go behind your best friends back and if she doesn't quit, you will have no recourse but to tell him how much of a blankety-blank she is, to him.


Just my .02.

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