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After dating others does ex come back easier?

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Take ex number one. She broke up with me. I haven't contacted her for 20 days. She isn't talking to anyone that I know of. Ex number two broke up with me after a year. No contact is 30 days, it's been 4 months since breakup and ex two has a boyfriend. Which ex has a better chance of coming back one who has been single or one who has dated others? This is an example as I only have one ex:D

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Neither have any better odds than the other. People most often break up because there is something wrong with the relationship or their internal feelings. Unless the issues from the past relationship are gone they have no inclination to come back.

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Take ex number one. She broke up with me. I haven't contacted her for 20 days. She isn't talking to anyone that I know of. Ex number two broke up with me after a year. No contact is 30 days, it's been 4 months since breakup and ex two has a boyfriend. Which ex has a better chance of coming back one who has been single or one who has dated others? This is an example as I only have one ex:D


This is life. Not a math equation. No one can answer this.

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