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How long did the 'passionate/lust' part of your relationship last?

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6 years married..................2 children so far. My wife is still my fantasy to this day. There is no one in the world I want to have sex with more than her. I photograph her with clothes on, I photograph her WITHOUT clothes on. I still have that inner 13 year old boy when it comes to her. As sexy as I thought she was when we first met I honestly think I am more attracted to her now after having kids than before. It has hit a new level. Our sex life is great. Don't listen to anyone that says sex needs to stop after you have kids. It hasn't changed for us at all. But the difference is when you don't have kids you have all the time to be spontaneous. When you have kids you have to adjust, you have to MAKE room for sex. Do it when the kids are in bed. Take advantage of the weekends that "grandma" has them. Or, if you wake up in the middle of the night and just can't get to sleep because something is calling your name, then tap her on the shoulder and go to town.


Always keep the passion alive. Do what you have to do.

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Our kids are grown and out of the house, so we're free to frolic as we wsh. We can't keep our hands off each other. The sizzle doesn't have to stop.

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In my first marriage, it ended from her side as soon as she said "I do." Then she said "I don't."


This time, it hasn't ended, even after 14 years.

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I think it ebbs and flows with life stresses but the continuing connection to the person should grow the attraction. I have definitely learned that there needs to be a serious look at why attraction has died and what that means for the relationship. There should always be attraction/lust. Without it it is just a deep friendship. And I know, for myself, that is not what I want in a marriage.

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For my husband, it probably lasted a year after we got married. It just went downhill from there. I have remained so attracted to him to want sex daily for years until this year when it hit me that it's never going to be how it used to be and that I should just be happy we make love once a month. That's the trade off for having such a beautiful and near perfect human being for a husband. He is:)

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My wife and I are separated but before that during the first 2 years of dating we used to be wild, then the same the first year.


Work got in the way and we slowed down to weekends only and once we started arguing and having our silly fights that went away too. I though I was giving her space as she was mad on me but she ended up asking for a divorce.


Don't get me wrong, I always found her most attractive and I think ti was my mistake of not acting on those impulses as I lost her.


Details at:


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We were never really wild, despite having sex very often. That passion was just never there. We married for more religious/deep personal love/goal reasons. It kind of sucks, but oh well.


Also, what it is to burn, great name; I'm assuming you got it from Finch. Love that album.

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Troubledhusband: I think we kind of went through the same thing. Work got in the way - too busy and stressful which at some point led to ED which kind of got better now but that made things worse. We are holding on to our marriage. I'm dreading the fact that one day, we will get so tired of it and just give up.


Oh, and I'm just starting to read your thread...Hope it ends well for both of you :)


Ron: Due to religious and cultural upbringing, i have trouble initiating sex or masturbating. that also made things worse. And yes, I got my username from Finch. Love them. Went to their concert recently. I'm trying to do things I used to enjoy to stir things up a bit.

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