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What is the reason someone who supposedly 'likes you' turns to a pr*ck whenever it suits him? He insults me, he judges me, he is jealous of any man I talk to. Yet he also shows signs of interest in dating me....It is someone at work who also happens to be married...We started out as friends a few months ago and then he developed this crush on me...We haven't been intimate AT ALL and won't...but he has this secret relationship IN HIS HEAD with me...and puts me down often.

I have tried to start a NC with him...he still makes an effort to talk to me...but I believe he is gettign the hint that I want to stop....

Any of you have experience with these types of men??

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No, honestly I don't have the experience with a married person at work, who plays these games.


I don't know what he is contemplating, nor trying to accomplish. However, as you are clearly not interested in his advances and games, consider going to your supervisor. Report his inappropriate behavior. Most workplaces have rules regulating behavior of the work force, and his idiotic games are not beneficial to the smooth functioning of your working enviroment. It probably freaks you out, which is not good for your jobperformance :( . Be honest, be factual when you give your report of the situation.

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Imagine what his relationship with his wife must be like if he treats you this way.... *shudder*


Yes definately report his bad behavior to your superiors... if he IS your boss then go to your corporate office to file a formal complaint!!

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If he insults you and bascially makes you feel uncomftorable in your work place, then i would tell him first that if he doesn't stop then you will go to your supervisor. And if he continues after you told him that you would report him, then he has an issue with himself and you need to let someone know!

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Strangely enough sounds so much like my wife's narsistic (literally) ex hub and what was previously mentioned to you before, can you imagine what his wife goes through? I got an idea since I knew my wife's ex away and at home. You don't need this kind of bad drama in your life at all. No one does. You don't need the crap this type of man is capable of and willing to dump out anytime and anywhere. Cut and run however you can. I don't know if it's even worthy of your time to try and figure it out. Take it from a man, career idiot men are not worth a good women's time or attention.

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