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Family making disparraging comments on FB


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Sometimes when I post something I'll have family members poking fun at my expense and I don't like it, or one will make a comment to try to humiliate me and 4 others will 'like' their comment. What I'm saying in my post isn't worthy of so much ridicule IMO. I have a few friends who liked what I post and put positive comments. It's only family.


I recently moved into a new home and I posted about the old saying about it's not officially your home until you've walking through it naked and I could check that off my list. Then I put 'LOL'


My nephew put 'I think I just threw up', and 2 of my nieces and both my sisters liked his comment. I've seen others post things like this and no one tries to humiliate them. I'm not allowed to post anything of a sexual nature on my posts, otherwise I'll get wise cracks. It's not like I'm unattractive either.


I don't know why some people get away with posting half naked pictures of themselves and will get 'wow, looking hot' from 10 people, whereas if I did that I'd get tormented no end. Do I have a right to be PO'd? Should I block them from seeing my future posts?


I've read somewhere that you should cut out or limit contact with negative people in your life. These relatives will never 'like' posts that are actually 'like' worthy, but they'll be quick to jump all over me with sarcastic comments when they get the chance. I feel like I have to walk on egg shells with them as far as what I post to keep from looking bad in the eyes of all my friends and acquaintances. I ended up taking down the post.

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Delete what they wrote & talk to them privately, in person, off line about what bothers you.

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My partner's daughter, son and step-mother put a whole load of negative stuff all over my FB posts, so I de-friended them all. I don't miss them a bit.:cool:

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Do I have a right to be PO'd?


Of course.


I would probably just defriend/block anyone who acts like a jerk on Facebook, but if you think that would cause family drama, I guess I'd use a three-strikes policy. Immediately delete any mocking or sarcastic comments. After the third one, you quietly block that person. The deletion of comments should at least give them an idea that they are not appreciated. If they keep at it, you can feel completely justified in blocking them.


One more thing to consider:


I'm not allowed to post anything of a sexual nature on my posts


The example you posted about walking around naked in your house seems pretty tame, but do you often post things of a sexual nature on Facebook? If so, then maybe certain family members shouldn't see stuff like that. Either block the people who should not see the more "adult" comments you might make, or make sure you don't post anything that might be objectionable.

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Just customize the privacy of your post. I do tht all the time! Not just to hide things from my family but when I post something thts aiming towards a particular person & I know they'd figure out its about them. :D Hey I'm not the only one tht vents on FB when I'm mad.

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Create a FB list which does not include your family and when you post they won't ever see it.


It's certain things I don't want my mom to see so that's why I post for certain people

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Hide these people from yours news feed so they cannot see your posts. Before that feature existed, I had annoying relatives taking offense to every little thing.

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Hide these people from yours news feed so they cannot see your posts. Before that feature existed, I had annoying relatives taking offense to every little thing.


like my mom getting annoyed about me cursing when I talk about sports lol

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I know how you feel. I have a sister who I'm close to but she will unfailingly say disparaging or embarrassing remarks around other people, so I mainly don't let her around my friends.


People who do that are trying to make themselves feel better by making you feel worse. That means they don't feel very good about themselves, so take comfort in knowing they actually think you're better than them but wish you weren't.


I would block them and definitely delete the posts if you can't block them. That's your board. It's not a big red target there for people to take pot shots at you. Don't put up with it. Block them or delete their comments. Maybe there's a way to moderate (see their comments before posting them?)

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I get wisecracks from family too about my online relationship. I'm canadian, my fb is belorussian. My whole family looks down on Net relationships. I'm the only one really to go that route, and my aunts uncles cousins think net friends can't be real friends. and that it's impossible to fall in love online. My parents are becoming ok with it now (we've now been together for over a month *since early july*) but if I say anything about my bf on fb I get cracks from other family members "you might never meet" and such. I just flip them off. I know 100% he's real (not a Catfish) because I did my homework on him, (I met him through our mutual friend and I know he's real) and BF is an angel. I just flip them off.


Your wisecracks - just flip them off, like just write them things that show how happy you are. They'll stop. honestly someone seems jealous or hates you and just wants to ruin your mojo :laugh: Last comment I got I just wrote about he's an angel and I'm very happy and we do want to meet and we hope it'll happen soon. The wisecracker shut up Worked for me :laugh:

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