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the let down

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My unfaithful boyfriend and i have been together for 10 months now and have weathered quite a few storms in that small amount of time.


Just a quick overview i am currently between apartments . i lost my job. my mom is moving to another time zone for a better job. and as I'm sure you can assume I'm strapped for cash. My best friend hates me because she thinks i feel superior to her (not true I'm more inclined to believe that it is self shame she is.projecting on me)


However this wonderful man of mine decides that now of all times is the perfect time to engage in some "harmless" conversations with other women .


i am only 23 yrs old and i am not equipt to handle this kind of stress. I'm really fragile and teeter totering with my sanity everyday i wake up to my life.


I'm truly struggling here......

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I'm sorry you're here, OP. Your struggles are difficult ones, but you can work on them.


Get rid of the boyfriend. Why are you hanging on to someone who clearly doesn't love or respect you? He's adding unnecessary drama, and you have the power to put an end to that.


Do you have other friends you can speak to? Sounds like the best friend isn't so much a best friend any more. Are there are people around to help you through this?


Are you currently working? If so, try (as far as possible) to set aside a little cash for your savings. Work toward finding an affordable place to live, if you're not moving with your mom. What is your present living situation?

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Get rid of the cheating bf. A bf is supposed to be icing on the cake not added misery. Sign up with a temp agency. Why not follow your mom it'll be a new adventure and start in life!

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