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What does he mean by this? He's married!

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Ok, this guy is married, so I backed off. He is a cool dude, so I figured what's the harm in talking to him? Even though I don't text him or talk to him. Well I mentioned a couple of days ago that I am selling my phone to him and so he text me at 10:30 at night and said "Hey i'm gonna stop over tomorrow after work and buy that phone, if that's cool with you" I said "That's cool son lol!" He said " Lol Good look"


What is that suppose to mean? It doesn't even make sense! So then I thought he was talking about my pic on Facebook, so I said "Oh no did you see that horrible pic my friend tagged me in! She hacked my phone lol" He said "No, not yet, but I definitely need to see it now haha" Is this inappropriate talk? Also what does he mean by that? Is that slang? "Good look"? I am thinking of cutting all contact now, cause I thought we could talk civil, but now he seems to be flirty. I could be wrong. What do you think? Everytime he sees me too he is always asking what I am doing that night or "what I am up to" So I don't know you tell me. Lol, thank you.

Edited by Lovebite
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Girl, cool your jets. It's possible it was a typo. You're reading way too much into and over-explaining yourself to him. Sell him the phone and be done with it. Unless I'm missing something, you're making a big issue out of nothing.

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Could he be saying "Good luck?" I don't know why he would in that context but who knows. No, he didn't do anything wrong. You brought up the picture and he is just saying he'll check it out. He's probably interested to see what you are talking about. I wouldn't worry about it. There has to be a lot of things said and done before I would start thinking there is a chance for an affair here.

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You're way overthinking. "Good look" is slang -- short for "good looking out" (which many use in place of "thanks"). He was saying thanks for letting him buy the phone.

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Miss Awesome
Ok, this guy is married, so I backed off. He is a cool dude, so I figured what's the harm in talking to him? Even though I don't text him or talk to him. Well I mentioned a couple of days ago that I am selling my phone to him and so he text me at 10:30 at night and said "Hey i'm gonna stop over tomorrow after work and buy that phone, if that's cool with you" I said "That's cool son lol!" He said " Lol Good look"


What is that suppose to mean? It doesn't even make sense! So then I thought he was talking about my pic on Facebook, so I said "Oh no did you see that horrible pic my friend tagged me in! She hacked my phone lol" He said "No, not yet, but I definitely need to see it now haha" Is this inappropriate talk? Also what does he mean by that? Is that slang? "Good look"? I am thinking of cutting all contact now, cause I thought we could talk civil, but now he seems to be flirty. I could be wrong. What do you think? Everytime he sees me too he is always asking what I am doing that night or "what I am up to" So I don't know you tell me. Lol, thank you.


"Good look" is short for "good looking," which is short for "good looking out." It's a way of saying thank you. That's all.

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