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Family or man you love?

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Well, that pretty much explains it! My father is making me choose between my family and the man that I love! I'm 27 years old! He thinks because this guy has a past that he still is a bad person. I know he's not. Any advice?



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  • 3 weeks later...

It sounds to me like your dad doesn't really love you-I believe that if someone makes you pick,they don't really love you, anyway. Does your dad have a control problem? But, at the same time, is this guy worth losing your family over? Will your family eventually open the door to you again if you choose this guy? People can change, and you just have to show your dad this guy has changed.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Well, that pretty much explains it! My father is making me choose between my family and the man that I love! I'm 27 years old! He thinks



this guy has a past that he still is a bad



I know he's not. Any advice? Thanks.


whoa,this sounds exactly like MY problem! i'm


moving out next week with my boyfriend who i've


been with for over a year now,and my dad has


still never met him because he has never said


anything good about him cuz he's heard all


these untrue rumors about him. anyway,my dad is


never happy because i am always with my


boyfriend (except for sunday nights when i


visit my dad for a few hours). i am 26 years


old so my dad should not make me feel guilty


for having a life and being with my boyfriend


so much. on holidays i always get the guilt


trip about why i have to go to his family's


house or not stay with mine long enough. i


think you and I both are old enough and should


not let our parents run our lives. good luck


with you!



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