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is she interested or not?girls r so confusing!

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OK, i am very confused.i've known this girl for about 10 years now,she's a family friend.We very rarely get to see each other since she lived about 9 hours drive away,but she recently moved to the same city as me.She is one amazing girl,never been more interested in someone,she's very beautiful on the outside as well as on the inside.After talking for a bit i finally found the confidence to ask her out on a date.The date went great!,we connected really well and there was so much chemistry there.By the end of the night we were hugging and kissing and eventually fell asleep in each others arms(no sex).


I talked to her a couple of days after that and asked her out on another date,she said yes but canceled on the day saying she was too busy, which was understandable since she has just moved from another city and is looking for a flat..etc.So i thought i should let her contact me next when she has some free time,which she did about a week later.She made plans to catch up but she canceled again,and twice more after that.I've been played and strung along by girls before and this seemed like it was heading in a similar direction,so i pretty much gave up.But she would still try and make plans with me,so i gave it one more chance.She invited me over.I went over,we talked and went out for a bite to eat, but it didn't feel like it did the first date,she didn't seem as interested.So i thought maybe she just wants to be friends.


The night after that i was out clubbing with some friends and she text me saying she wanted to meet me.So i went and met her and she invited me back to her place.We arrived at her house and when we got into her room she asked if i wanted to sleep in bed with her.From previous experience with girls to me this seemed like a good sign that she was still interested.Now this is where i get confused.After we jump into bed i rolled over to her side and tried to cuddle her,but she showed no affection what so ever,she didn't shrug me off but it kind of felt like she wanted me to stay on my side.I mean i wasn't trying to get down her pants or anything...honest!She broke up with her boyfriend of 4 years early last year so i don't want to pressure her into anything she doesn't want.


When we woke up the next morning we were flirting with each other for hours.It felt nice but at the same time i was so confused with what was going on with her.We're both 20 and of all the girls i've met over the years they have either been interested or not interested...pretty simple.But with this girl it seems like both.I would ask her what's up but I'm really afraid she will think I'm being too forward and will back away.


Any advice with what to do next would be great.

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She's not interested. Or severely messed up. Or both.


Girls who are interested do not keep breaking dates. Girls who are not messed up do not invite you into bed and not even want a cuddle.


My advice: move on to someone who *is* interested in you and *does* want to cuddle. Don't fall into the trap of being fascinated by this strange girl. She is a great psychological study, but not someone to build a life with.

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I'm a girl & I have no idea what is up with this chicken.......


To set a date with you only to break it just shows disrespect, does she think you can just wait around for her all day long?? Then she calls you and you rush right over.... umm, okay ~~>Stop being so damn available!!!


Back ofF a little man... be there if she wants to talk on the phone for a few minutes (NOT all night!!) Make a date with her to hang out, but if she breaks it and tries to make another one tell her you'll get back to her. And for goodness sakes if she calls you for a last minute thing tell her NO, you've got something going on that you can't get away from.


Girls generally will not fall for a guy they can walk all over... they just continue to walk all over them! Show her that you are strong and independant guy that has his own life, and if she wants to be a part of it you'll fit her in when you can, but don't restructure your whole life around her!!!

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