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Caught my boyfriend flirting

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Me and my boyfriend have been together nearly 1.5 years and although we're not living together we are pretty close and spend Thursday night to Monday morning together every week. We've also just got back from a road trip and couldn't be closer. Or so i thought. This weekend just gone we went to a party. He arrived first with a mate and I got there a couple of hours later due to another engagement. When i got there i see he's a bit drunk and having a good time. On the other hand I'm on the water as i was driving so no drinking. I hardly know anyone at the party and feel slightly lonely making chit chat to others there whilst my boyfriend hangs wih his mate playing a game in the other room. Because I had arrived late to the party, it started to wind down and most people had begun to leave. When i went to check up on my man in the other room he was playing this game with a friendly girl I'd met earlier. They were so into the game and oblivious to me standing there. When they won they would hug and clasp hands. I walked out of the room and tried to find someone else to chat to. Shortly after i went to the loo and when i came out i see my boyfriend with the chick chatting now and he's got his arm pressed up against the wall with her in front of him so they chat closely. He sees me and says something along the lines that this girl is amazing and so cool. Seeing as the party was pretty much dead i ask if we can go and he gets upset i want to leave. I asked if he'd stopped flirting with the.chick but he acted like he didn't understand. When i said i was leaving with or without him he agrees to come with me not before going to the chick and saying she was awesome, as well as letting the rest of those still left at the party know all about it. He was a bit drunk but still i was a bit shocked he'd behave like this. I know there was no kiss (not that i could see) or anything but i felt disrespected and embarrassed by him hanging off this girl and telling everyone he liked her. This happened at the weekend but im even more upset today now as he tells me the game they were playing was a drinking game, and we all know what happens during drinking games. I'm upset for sure, I'd never do anything like this to him, but am i overreacting? He's apologised for his behaviour and agrees he.was an idiot but do I just accept his apology just like that? What if i hadn't been there to stop it all and say i wanted to go home? I'd really appreciate any advice! Thanks.

Edited by babykitten
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No you are not overreacting. He was a straight out douche in front of you. He put you on the back burner for another woman. A woman he had just met. Then he went an announced his new found affection for this woman to every person at the party.. In front of you!


Alcohol is not an reason for bad behiavor. It's an excuse and justification.


Yeah you're right it does bode the question of what is happening when you are not around?


The guy was basically acting like he was single at a party and doing it in front of you.


Move on and find someone who will treat you with respect and love at all times.

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You are totally over reacting. He played a game & chatted with a girl. So what? Yeah it would have been more classy for him to devote more time at the party paying attention to you but he was having fun.


You know he didn't kiss her. It was all innocent. Yet you made a big scene & you are still pissed.


the world is full of men & women. Eventually you have to realize that your BF will have to interact with other women. Until you understand that you will always be touchy about his communications with members of the opposite sex.

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Nothing wrong with this.. Thia creates excitement and makes you want him even more now.


How about next time you turn the tables ?

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We all know what happens during a drinking game? People drink, right? I've played PLENTY of drinking games......we don't all end up naked and kissing and having sex, at least that's what it sounds like you're insinuating.

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Well your boyfriend did apologize and agreed with you that he was an idiot, so I think you should cut him some slack. He didn't ask this woman at the party for her contact info or kiss her or shag her. Right?


Now, if he does this at every party you two attend together, then I think you'd have reason to be mad. It was a drinking game at a party. That's all.

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