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Love thy neighbour as thyself.

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My parents raised me with a strong religious foundation. Over the years I have welcomed many into my life who are non-religious and of different faiths. A lot of the people became friends. My enemy list is prety small.


What we all have in common is that we treat our fellow brethren and sistren with the exact same kindness and patience that you would like. Goes beyond almost everything. It's one of the commandments that is a way into the faith.

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amen....plus ten more for succinctness of opening post trane......beautifully said....deb

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amen....plus ten more for succinctness of opening post trane......beautifully said....deb


Thank you.


Got friends and constituents that would make for the craziest salad of humanity. They are judged by outsiders looking in who fear to have difference.

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