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"What am i to you"

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Hey,been abroad for 2 years,this girl liked me,i friendzoned her,after 3 months she comes back to me to be friends,she's telling me her feelings,friendzoned again,and this happened 3 more times. She blocked me past this month,last week she came back to me to be friends again and today,10 minutes ago she asked me "What am i to you?".


The point is,last week when she came back to me,she talked with my sister beforehand finding out my father is in the hospital,in a really critical situation and she took advantage of it to be my friend again. For real? I even asked her "are you using my father on your advantage to gain my friendliness again,after YOU BLOCKED ME 4 TIMES in 1 MONTH,after i friendzoned you cause i have no feelings for you?|. Yes,she's WAS my best friend,but i can't be with a girl out of pity. She's not my type at all either,church girl,not ambitious,wanting to lead a boring life etc.


"What am i to you?" i heard this thing like 10 times already where all my answers were "we are friends" while she was expecting us to be much more then that,and after 2-3 days where we don't talk she comes back to me saying "i can't stand it,i just can't be friends with you...it hurts alot." bang blocked,after a week,unblocked,after a couple of days blocked again..


What the heck is wrong with her? I don't like her,why can't she understand it? I respected her wish to not talk again 5 times,does she want the same thing to happen over and over again?

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She's kind of a stalker. She won't give up. She thinks because she has urgent feelings that this means you are meant to be together. Of course it doesn't, but a lot of young people especially tend to think along those lines. Now, yes she is using your family and anyone else she can find to try to stay connected. You are going to have to tell all your family and friends you are trying to block her because she's become such a problem and you'd appreciate it if they would not talk to her about anything because it only makes her still feel connected. Meanwhile, you are going to have to block her every way possible, FB, on the phone. You have already told her no. So now it's time to completely refuse to talk to her at all for any reason. When she shows up at your house or if you see her coming by or anything, keep a log. Tell her you'll call the police if she keeps it up.

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i think you need to take control and be the one to block ...i actually feel you are liking the drama deep down....you say you dotn like her what is her problem...her problem is you friendzoned a person you dont really like at all and are disrespectful of her feelings, talking about her behind her back, you are the problem so fix it.....simples.... ....deb

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I just told her I don't want to deal with her anymore and that she'a become a nuisance to me. And no,there's no way for her to come over since I am still studying abroad. I am feeling bad telling her these tho,but what can I do? I don't have time for a stupid girl who posts statuses on fb every moment such as thia one recently posted by her "Wow,thanks for giving up on me when I was completely in love with you."

She was my best friend,talking from morning to night late hours about everything,but I think I should get rid of her from my mind. She has her hardships,i understand,but me worrying about paying the rent with my brother and father's hospital bills are worse then some family drama like "no one in my family understands me". She's 19 ,she has a job ,but she's living with her aunt. Her parents are abroad. I feel sorry for her,and yes,i am younger by 1 year then her.


She's acting like a brat who wants to get married early and doesn't know anything about real hardships. All she ever had to worry about was to have enough money for clothes and to clean the house . All i had from when i was little was how to not starve ,to have something to wear for school and not too remain on streets cause od drunk father and a sick mother with cancer.


I was thinking to delete my facebook ,that way,i can lead my life without worries about any of my old friends including her,who don't care how i feel at all. And you are right about the drama..so much drama in my family got me screwed up,i am gonna restrain myself from it . Any other tips or help please?

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If you don't like her, why are you friends with her ?

What do you share together, common interests ?


You spend time on the phone with her, family stuff, ...

Of course over time, she'll develop feelings for you, it's human nature.

People get attached.


It got out of hand in her heart.

The best thing to do is to cut contact with her so she can detach herself completely from you.

She needs this so she can find someone else.


Read the book 'sense and sensibility'.

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But that was my point. She said we can't be friends just cause of this,so i respected her everytime. I respected her decision so i stayed away,but she's the one who comes back. She's either asking my sister if i'm ok ,doing well..either she just goes and chats with me. We do share in common animes,i love them,so does she and the fact we both love skateboards,our families having problems and having little friends . I tried to stay away from her,for her own good trust me,we were best friends. I know,i loved talking to her about all random stuff,the future,but we don't have a common future! She wants to marry someone and never let go of him,work till 60's,she's innocent when it comes to sex,and from the moment i knew her and before she kept saying she waits it till marriage. Yes,she complains about her friends who have sex so young and all.. I am an atheist,and i find her ignorant and silly. I don't know how i would react face to face,since i am very weak to a crying girl or a cute smile,it makes me want to hug them. How am i supposed to react to her? I will stop talking to her,but yet again she sent me another message this morning.

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Well, you block her. All medium must be blocked.

You must be stronger than her. For her and you.

Don't give her false hope, not one inch.

It will sting a lot now, but later she'll understand.

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She's just way more invested in him and he would have liked it okay to just be friends except she's incapable of it and makes a pest of herself and is clingy and pushy and as he said, ridiculous about her immature beliefs. He's going to have to totally run her off because she's a bit crazy.

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For sure she's not crazy,but yes,i will try ro cut all connection with her. I didn't talk with her since yesterday,nor did i answer her. How should i proceed without blocking her, i can't just block her like this. I will feel bad ans then unblock her ans she'll keep coming back in my mind.

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