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Want to move on but ex not doing anything regards divorce

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Hi guys,


I'm now 14 months separated. My ex has a boyfriend she's been seeing for 9 months and I've been seeing someone for 5 months. The ex precipitated the split and I'm keen to get on with my life.


As the stbxw wanted the divorce, I don't wish to pay for it so have left it to her as she gets legal aid but I do not.


I've asked her regularly about how far down the road the divorce procedure is, she just keeps saying that her lawyer is just taking a bit of time and she will chase her.


In my opinion, a lawyer would be keen to get the divorce done and dusted to make the money, why is the stbxw taking her time about this?


Is there some uk law that determines that a divorce is less expensive if 2 years have past?

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No, a divorce costs the same no matter what.


It doesn't make sense for you to wait. You can petition her (use unreasonable behaviour) and claim the costs back from her.


In fact you SHOULD do that. To wait for her would be very unwise. She may petition and claim costs from YOU... Get in there first!


ETA: Oh I see your location is Glasgow, I'm not sure how it works in Scotland, will this divorce be under Scottish or English law? They are different. If there's a choice then it's probably a good idea to work out which would be best for you; a solicitor would be a good idea.

Edited by PegNosePete
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I would strongly advise that you get a lawyer. You can simply get one that you can pay by the hour. My ex tried to slip some pretty shady stuff into the final divorce agreement that I might not have caught if I did not consult a lawyer.

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What is it worth Mondare, what is it worth? My XW wanted me to hang on as long as well and although I didn't want to spend the money, it was worth every penny to get it over with and move on with my life.

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