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Truth about having great relation with your partner for life

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Hello everyone


Been visiting the forums from sometime and there are so many people going through relationship issues and are trying to understand each other but are not quite getting it and then it ends badly by cheating or cheated,hurting or hurted,abused or being with abusive one etc.So came accross this cool Video in which it explains everything about relationships and marriage and HOW CAN A MAN AND WOMEN LIVE HAPPILY TOGETHER FOREVER... My request to u all is watch all the parts and watch it together with ur partners.Or ask them to watch at there own time but make sure both the parties see it.It will really change the way u think about each other and will bring a great LIGHT into ur relationship.God bless you all.



Its a Mark gangor Video with a 3 parts from the dvd "Laugh Your Way"



1] "Tale of two brians" (Describes how male and female brain works)



link :-



2] "Yo Mama Sessions" (Its the male and female physical needs and how both of them respond to it)



link :-



3] "How to stay married and not kill anybody" (Its not for just married people but also for the people are in a relationship and how they can boost up there love life)



Link :-

(Part 1)

(Part 2)


People who really want a good loving relationship with there partner just give this a try.


Also Its not that serious... Really hillarious U all will enjoy and will have great healthy relationship after u find some truth about each other and how things work with one another.


Dont cheat,lie,abuse or do any sort of nonsense that u regret or which hurts someone, better have fun with the ONE and learn new ways to improve it.

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