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Las Vegas worries

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My boyfriend of three years goes on a yearly gambling trip to Vegas with his college buddies who are all married. They gamble and hang out. I leave him alone so he can enjoy himself but I am nervous about his fidelity. Evn just worried hs flirting or talking about girls. Is this a neccessary evil? He always jokes around but he sent me a message saying "I am going to the bar to get some ass." I know his trying to provoke my jealousy--sometimes I think he just wants the attention. But man, it pisses me off and also makes me a nervous wreck. Now, he phone is off and it is 11am. Did he just have a late night is he with a girl? He has never cheated but I do have trust issues. I've asked him to stop before and he does it all the time. He also stares at women all the time--esp since I gained 10 lbs. I feel horrible. Advice?

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u have been with him 3 years and this is yearly...how did u feel last year and how did things work out for you then?


I think u have to trust him but i see see why you would be a bit scared...its natural.

My bf has done the same thing....he has been out with the guys and when i call him the next day phone is off...i get a bit freaked too cause it isnt usually off unless its dead or we had a fight and he need time alone.....but i leave a message he call in a bit and end up that someone kept calling him in the morning and cause he was trying to sleep he didnt answer and they kept calling so he turned it off. My bf sleeps in late. Plus he has done that while i have been with him too when people call all teh tiem too early for him.


Talk to him and ask him how his night was....u tried to call in the morning to see how he was but could get through casue the phone was off....tell him you were concerned im sure he will explain. BUT he has no reason to try and make u feel jelous that isnt fair....plus men look at women that is a fact no matter what so i wouldnt fret about that.

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Well I wouldn't say that he's definately up to no good, he could be, but he could also just be out having fun with his buddies. But he should be trying to reassure you and make you content before he was going on his trip.

"I am going to the bar to get some ass."

That's probably not the best thing for him to say while he's in Vegas and you're home wondering what he's up to.

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Well I think it's pretty lame that he would text that to you. Just send him one back that says, "Cool, I'm going to go get some new c0ck tonight"



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He called me and I let him have it for the message...he said he was kidding. I was pissed and he didnt want to deal with it. He kept saying it was a joke. I asked him what he did last night and he said it was a secret. I said i had to go and he said bye. He called me an hour later and said he loved me and he was sorry. He then called me again and asked me if I was going to be with him forever (he asks me that alot and i always reply forever--I know it is cheesy). It just feels wrong..I feel like he is getting away with being a prick. I am sick of letting things like this slide. How can I put him in his place?

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How about the direct approach? Ask him how he would feel if you went out of town and text messaged him that you were going to a bar trolling?


I doubt you have any reason to worry, he wouldn't be texting and calling if he were misbehaving, I just think he's being dumb. He probably really doesn't realize how that "joke" would be taken.


Of course if he tells you he would know its a joke - wait a while (weeks/months) and try it on him!

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Do you ever go out with your friends? Don't put up with him being a prick. Go out with your friends and turn your phone off until noon the next day. Don't make it feel like you're home waiting for him to call, show him you have your own stuff going on.

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Originally posted by tanbark813

Well I think it's pretty lame that he would text that to you. Just send him one back that says, "Cool, I'm going to go get some new c0ck tonight"




My thoughts exactly!

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Absolutely!! Go out with your friends, maybe even a getaway weekend somewhere to party and do the same to him as he did to you!! That is very wrong for him to say that! he should already feel bad that he left you behind so he can go out with his boys to Vegas. Or just tell him that you're not going to play his stupid disrespectfull little games!

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I agree with what the other poster said, say something like "Yeah, I'm going out tonight to see if I can get some new xxck too" and I would also plan a trip and go out of town and not answer my phone just so that he knows how you feel. Don't tell him that's why you did it, just be like, "Oh, was my phone off? I'm sorry"


He'll get the picture. What a jerk to want reassurance of your being with him forever after that comment.

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