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Need some Advice About my Relationship


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I am writing because I am having some issues over my relationship

with a friend. I met her when I spent a semester away studying overseas. We became very close and were both disappointed when the time came to return to our

home schools. We talk almost every day and because we live close

to one another we have promised to meet up now that we are back in

the US.


I think that she still just wants to be friends. The thing is the longer we have spent talking to one another the closer we have gotten. I sometimes feel that I have more of a connection with her than anyone I have actually dated. I wish we could be more than

friends but as I said I don’t think that is what she wants.


I am reluctant to talk to her about it because I am afraid it will make continuing any kind

of relationship with her uncomfortable for both of us if she just wants to stay close

friends. This problem has made it difficult for me to even talk to her, and I can tell that my avoidance has been hurting her. Occasionally, I have considered just going

are separate ways, but as I said we are so close that I hate the thought of saying

goodbye to her entirely. I have also considered that maybe if we stay friends for the time being it could still develop into something more at a later point. Any advice about how to deal with this difficult situation?

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What makes you think she wants you ONLY as a friend?

Could be she feels the same about you.. but like you is afraid to tell you :confused:

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Never go separate ways. She will keep wondering and hurting over your disappearance, and you will have some major regrets about the situation.


As you are afraid that you want more than she wants, a friendship would be hard on you at best. You know that.


Best thing is probably to express your interest.


1. If she has the interest --> situation solved.

2. If she does not have the interest --> tension solved.


2.1 If the fall out is good, you can be friends, although it would of course be foolish to assume that this friendship won't have its troubles.

2.2 And if the fall-out is bad, you won't be friends. But that is the same result you would have if you went your separate ways.

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