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Almost three years of no contact, and he still tries!

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Miss Awesome

People are crazy. I haven't had one single bit of contact with this guy since December 2011, but he still tries!


Long story short, we were together for six years. At some point, I became his girl on the side while he was really living with the girl he impregnated. I know it's unbelievable that I didn't catch on, but I truly had no idea. Here's the kicker: He left me on a Wednesday, telling me that maybe in the future we could try again; turns out he had applied for a marriage license Tuesday and was married by Friday - and not even to the girl he had been living with. I realized after he left that his whole outlook on life is, "how can I manipulate this situation to benefit me?"


I contacted him once after he left me to let him know that I knew the real story, and after that, I haven't had a single bit of contact with him. He's periodically tried to contact me since then, more heavily in the beginning and much more infrequently now. But he did try just the other night, texting me and telling me he couldn't understand why I wouldn't talk to him and to please respond so we could have a conversation. Needless to say, I didn't respond. I did, however, get curious and look him up on facebook. And here's the second kicker: He's now engaged to the girl he impregnated while we were together!


Some people..


There's a tiny little part of me that thinks about contacting this girl to let her know that he's still being shady as f**k, but I would never do it. I know it's not my place, nor do I want anything to do with any of that craziness.


So, yeah, there's really no question here. I guess I just wanted to get that ridiculousness out of my head..

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Miss Awesome
I don't understand why you haven't blocked him after three years of trying as you say.


I think, in a way, I feel like blocking him is a response, and I don't want to respond in any way.

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If you feel the need to make a thread to get this "ridiculousness out of your head," then blocking him seems like a good idea in my opinion. Three years after breaking up, and he is still managing to make you waste some mental energy on him.


You are choosing to leave avenues of communication open for him. Block him, and don't look back. He sounds like a real piece of work :sick:

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