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Is my friendship ruined??

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Ah, so in the past few days I have taken more care of myself in terms of uni, working out, etc in order to move past my issues in regards to an ex and forget about him. Recently, I hung out with friends I haven't seen in a while because of that and other reasons I can't explain...


One of the guys, my ex's best friend, I text a lot because we've been good friends. Saw him and it was just like old times. Then he sent me a bunch of random messages asking me if I could come over. He's the type of guy who is always a comedian so I can never tell if he's serious or not or just being funny. Then we all went out and I told a girlfriend if I stayed over hers I'd worry about clothes, to which he decided to respond by saying he has clothes at his and a shower (again..didn't know if he was serious).


The last thing we did--me, him, and another friend--smoked weed. It was very strong and I honestly don't remember much but bits and pieces. The other friend went to bed and it was just me and the guy...all I remember was us speaking nonsense, ah..we touched other chests, ah..him asking me sexual questions (I have no idea wth I said or did). Then before I knew it was knocked out.


Well, as I was being taken home my girlfriend told me that him and another friend thought I changed a lot from the last time I saw them and thought I was really attractive. and tried to hit on me. I had no idea how to deal with that and was oblivious, honestly..She the followed that up asking me what happened w/me and the guy, I told her I have no idea and don't remember..She asked if I wanted something to happen and I said no. Reason being, he's my ex's best friend. On top of that I've known him too long for that..but that doesn't mean he's not a nice guy.


Usually we would have late night conversations, but I texted him and I haven't really spoken to him in two days which is now weird to me.


I have no idea what to do at this point nor how to act. This is weird..

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